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My runs were getting longer and I was pushing myself more.

I had to.

Spring just began and I have known Callie for just over three months.  She joined us for family dinner most weeks, but her Mama never came along. I was able to get to know Vera through visiting their home often, though. She has a great sense of humor and does not allow her medical struggles to limit her joy.

I didn't blame her for staying home. Callie mentioned she was also relieved, concerned at how any other guests would react to her mom's inability to speak. She shared about the car accident that stole her Father's life when she was just 13. I could not imagine dealing with so much uncertainty for over half your life, especially knowing how hard Callie has fought to achieve her Doctorate.

Nik continued bringing random coeds most weeks while Mike had a few different girlfriends he rotated through.  Dmitri also dated a coworker for about two months but they fizzled when she began pressuring him to get her pregnant.

Maybe he will want a family one day, but not yet.

There were moments of awkwardness spread throughout our family dinners now. A few weeks ago when Nik brought Kelly, she threw a fit hearing Callie use the term, "Mamochka."

Kelly insisted it was copying the Ivanov family and Callie had no right to use the same word we did.

My Papa had enjoyed taking time explaining how completely stupid she was for criticizing Callie when she used a Russian word... as a woman who was raised bilingual with Russian and English. Callie's Father was raised the same way so that alone gave us something in common. Kelly refused to back down from her high horse so Nik took her back to the dorms while we cracked up laughing at her idiocy

As Mike said, "Wow, so Kelly is gatekeeping our heritage and language, both of which are things she has no actual stake in. Nice."

Somehow Callie never let those uncomfortable times keep her down, though. Her mind was focused on making sure Vera was able to get the rest she needed as well as preparing for the biggest meeting of her life.

A meeting that starts in about an hour.

Callie has to defend her dissertation tonight.  I read it three times over the last couple of months.  Her first draft, which was over 150 pages, then a second draft, at almost 200 pages, while the final rested at an official 215 pages including citations and a table of contents. The entire piece was printed and bound in a way that made it look like a book you could buy at any store. Naturally she had a couple extra copies and presented me with one as a thank you for all my help.

Her work is seamless.  She has incredible insight into sociolinguistics.  Dad read her final draft and was so proud he insisted on giving her a recommendation in person to the board.

That rarely happened, and Callie happily accepted.

We have dinner tonight at her house and I will be there waiting for Dad and Callie to arrive with Vera, my mom, and Dmitri.  Mike is out with a new girl named Amber and Nik wasn't sure he could show up.

I know it will be a great evening, especially now that Callie will be able to say she is officially a Doctor.

Doctor Calliope Katherine Ustrashkin.

My body pushed harder in the gym as I ran, trying to get rid of nervous energy while I knew she was in the final moments before such a huge event.

Years have led up to this.. and it's about to happen.

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