Twenty One

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VERA: I am glad you got on the road so early, Calliope! Enjoy the road trip and I will keep you updated as well. Jack mentioned going to the botanical garden today since it will be a little cooler out so I'll send you photos of the butterfly exhibit. Love you so much and glad you're getting this adventure.

I grinned at my phone while curled up in the passenger seat of Mike's SUV. Amber was caffeinated and insisted on driving the first leg, especially since I volunteered to be her copilot. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and both of us were wearing leggings and comfy shirts so we could make the best of being on the road.

Our plans were to stay in a hotel around Roanoke, Virginia which was about 6 hours from the beach house. Professor and Anya drove with Nik a week and a half ago and were enjoying their stay thus far. Dmitri and Keira were sort of caravanning with us but got started about an hour later so we had 2 cars full of our gear, including a couple big batches of cinnamon rolls, snacks, and coolers with drinks for the ride.

We also put together separate bags with our essentials so we did not have to unpack entire suitcases on our hotel stop. Val and I shared a duffel bag and made sure it had toiletries, sweats, and extra chargers as well as a couple bottles of wine that we planned to enjoy when we stopped for the night.

"How is your Mama?" Amber asked with a grin while sliding her sunglasses on top of her head.

"She's doing well. Very excited for video chats and photos, of course, but that's no shock. I am glad she is healing so well, especially since it means we are able to get a good vacation while everyone has a break." I chuckled and swiped on my phone to show a photo of Mamochka with Jack in the courtyard outside her room. "Jack is thrilled to have her all to himself. They have a lot of adventure they want to go on so it's been amazing to see her find love again."

"Have you two ever learned sign language?"

I shook my head, "I suggested it way back when Mama was first injured but recovery from her surgeries can cause issues with her motor skills. We found that she could still grip a market to use the markerboard, even right after surgery, as long as she had help. It just felt like the easiest choice, even though sign language is an amazing communication tool as well."

Amber smiled toward me, "I love how you took everything into consideration so you could have consistency when she's in so much uncertainty."

"We do our best. I know a good amount of sign language and Mama knows a little so worst case she can get the gist across and I'm able to step in." I paused sipping my chai, then admitted, "I really don't like driving so thanks for being willing to handle so much of it. Makes me feel more comfortable knowing I'm around so many people who don't mind getting behind the wheel."

I turned around and choked back a laugh at Mike and Val asleep in the backseat of the car. Each were cuddling pillows while softly snoring as we enjoyed iced chai along with some homemade granola bars that Amber brought along. They were full of chia seeds and flax as well as almonds and dark chocolate. I was officially addicted at first taste, especially since they were healthier than most of the stuff I make.

"Well, I am happy to drive as much as possible. I get car sick so it's either this or napping thanks to Dramamine that handles the nausea," she shared, stretching her back slightly in the drivers seat. "The beginning of the trip is easy driving, as well. I mean, we don't have any toll roads until about 5 hours in to our drive so I'll let Mike handle that garbage."

"I'm happy to be your copilot or hang out back there with my guy," I replied. "Val has been working longer hours to make sure everything was tied up before we left so he will be sleeping as much as he is able."

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