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The winding walk up to the fourth floor and room 427 was quiet, but I could feel how anxious Callie was in her posture and deep breaths. I kept my arm around her waist as we followed an orderly maneuvering her Mom's hospital bed, silence heavier with each step.

Vera woke up again then grabbing her markerboard and slowly wrote as the nurse got her settled.

It's good to see you, Val.

I smiled and held her hand a moment, trying to decide how to express myself.

What do you say to someone whose health is on the decline even while they fight to stay alive.

"I'd rather see you at your house, relaxing on the deck with a glass of lemonade or one of your cinnamon rolls, Vera," I quipped, causing her to smile.

Callie choked out a laugh and shook her head then sat in one of the comfy chairs near windows on one side of the hospital room.

A nurse returned to dose nausea and pain medication, giving Vera the chance to feel some relief. 

She scrawled on the markerboard, Callie, can you get me my tablet and chargers?

"Of course, Mamochka. I'll get some toiletries, too.  Want me to bring you anything to drink?"

She shook her head then looked at me curiously.

I smiled, standing to stretch, "I will give Callie a ride to and from your house to make this a quicker process.  Once those meds kick in you'll be ready for a nap, right?"

She nodded and I felt Callie stand with me.  She scooted onto the edge of her mom's bed and took her hand, then brought it to her lips to kiss her Mama's knuckles.

I knew this was a private moment but couldn't force myself to move.

Their connection is so strong, so close.  It broke something inside me to see how anxious and worried Callie is, especially knowing that will only get more intense in time.

She needs support now, so I'll give her support.  I'll be the person she can rely on.

Nothing more needs to come from this relationship.

Okay, who am I kidding.

Of course I want her.  She's intelligent, kind, and has a great sense of humor.  Strong without being abrasive.  Thoughtful and willing to allow silence instead of filling space with her voice.

One glance of her blue eyes the first time I met Callie at my Dad's office and I was a goner. She has the ability to make me forget my worries and live in the moment.

Somehow, with Callie at my side, I can just exist.

"Mama, I'll be back in a little bit.  Take a good nap and Val will make sure we get what you need."  Callie's voice was shaky and I stepped forward, laying my hand on her back.  She gave me a quick glance and smile then continued, "I'll get your favorite sweats and fuzzy socks, too. These hospital gowns are so scratchy."

Take a minute at home to breathe, too, Callie.  We have leftover salmon to finish up so grab a bite to eat as well.  I want to take a good long nap.

I chuckled at her words and stood taller then saluted.  "Aye Aye, Captain Vera."

They both laughed softly and Callie grabbed her bags, waving at her Mama as we left.

We wove through the halls of the hospital to the elevator then stood inside without saying a word.

It wasn't needed.

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