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Spring break was far more relaxing than I expected.

I worked around 20 hours with Professor Ivanov and enjoyed sleeping in, delicious meals, and relaxing in the sun while I read or listened to podcasts. Anya stopped by on Wednesday for a baking day so we made a couple batches of cinnamon rolls as well as homemade sourdough bread. It was a lovely way to spend a warm afternoon, especially since we sipped sweet tea with lemon on the back deck while we waited for the bread to rise.

Mama and I headed to a couple of her appointments on Thursday and by Saturday I felt refreshed and well rested.

Val arrived to pick me up for Ivanov family dinner but my mom chose to stay home.  She was dealing with a pain flare and needed rest so I got her a cup of tea then made sure she was comfortable in her recliner with snacks.

"You look like you enjoyed your week!"  he grinned as I jogged out of the house in a blue sundress that matched my eyes with a white cardigan and tote bag of farmers market goodies in hand.

I nodded, sliding into the passenger seat.  "It was heavenly.  I never realized how much of my time was spent thinking about my Dissertation as well as actively working on it. The other day I spent like 3 hours laying out on the deck and just... like... laying there. Not sleeping, not thinking, just existing."

Val chuckled as we pulled out of the driveway.  "Existing sounds like something I should do more of. I'm glad you've been able to relax, Callie. You deserve that. Oh, as a warning, all three of my brothers will have dates with them."

"Want to fake it for them?" I asked, laughing at his comment.

He froze, confused expression on his face as his steel grey eyes met mine.  "What do you mean?"

I instantly felt bad.  "I was just teasing, Val... I don't want you to feel left out so if you want... I mean..."  Now I felt uncomfortable but he reached over and squeezed my hand.

"I get it, Callie.  We can just keep things as they are so we don't muddy the waters."  Val paused before continuing softly, "I would rather tell people we were dating if we were actually dating.  Keep things above board."

"I really like that idea, Val." My voice was quieter than I expected and he darted his eyes toward me with a sweet smile.

"So... does that mean if I asked, you could possibly say Yes?"

I chuckled and shoved him playfully, "Well, I guess you would have to ask to figure out the answer to that question, right? Anything is possible Val..."

We slipped into comfortable silence on the drive to his folks house. The playful banter with no pressure was something I loved about time with Val. He never made me feel like I had to act or be a certain way. I could just truly relax.

I knew Professor and Anya planned to do a cookout this evening and brought along farmers market tomatoes and cucumbers as well as two types of cheese from a local dairy farm.  We arrived and quickly slipped into our normal roles, helping set up and get the food prepped.  He sliced cheese while I prepped tomatoes and red onions to top burgers.

It was comfortable, though I felt a change in the air between us.

A good change.

"We can eat out on the deck tonight, my loves," Anya said with a smile, stirring some fresh lemonade.  "We have ten chairs that can fit around our table and will just put toppings on the table as well."

Professor came inside wearing khaki shorts and a polo shirt.  "Oomnyashka!  How was your day?"  He stepped forward and pulled me into a side hug, then took his empty glass to get a fresh vodka cranberry.

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