Twenty Two

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Our road trip and the first 3 days at the beach were a complete blur.

There were moments I knew would stay with me forever, like the complete wonder in Callie's eyes when we walked to the shore after the cars were unloaded and our first meal at a beachside seafood place.  We got plenty of hush puppies and a variety of fried and fresh fish options.  She tried everything and sipped sweet tea as we looked out toward the ocean while a group of dolphins swam in the distance.

I have never seen her happier.  This vacation has always meant a lot to me, so being able to share so many beautiful experiences with her cannot be put into words.

Everything was incredible.  Callie, Amber, and Keira were hilarious as a group so all of us loved spending time together.  It was the perfect balance of personalities.  My brothers and I have never been closer thanks to the girls.  They had no problem teasing all of us, especially when we found out Nik had been enjoying the single life before we arrived.  Keira offered to be his wing woman so Dmitri agreed they'd go out with him one night to  see if she could help.

The beach house we rent every year is owned by family friends so we've been coming here for as long as I can remember.  When we were kids, my parents had the 4 of us in 2 rooms downstairs then would have family friends also join us.  By the time Dmitri and Mike were in college we started the "everyone gets their own room and can bring one guest if they choose" rule.  Miles came along with me a few times but work schedules and Jenna prevented that for the last 7 years.  

I was more than excited to get settled so we could enjoy the beach.  Mamochka made sure all the rooms had clean sheets, extra blankets, and mason jars with fresh flowers on the side tables.  Dmitri and Keira as well as Mike and Amber were downstairs where there was a big family room with a TV and a bathroom.  My parents had an en suite then Callie and I were sharing a bathroom with Nik  on the second floor.  

The house had an open main floor with a big kitchen then double doors leading to a large deck on the beach.  A large dining room table always had a puzzle partially done on it so all of us spent a few minutes putting pieces together when we passed through.  Amber brought a couple magazines that she left on the coffee table in the living room while my Dad kept a few favorite books on a bookshelf, as well.  There were board games in one of the closets but I could not remember the last time we got into those.  The weather was so perfect that all of us were outside as much as possible.

We grilled a ton when we were here.  Dad loves to just relax in the sun or sit under an umbrella over the patio table while something is cooking while the 4 of us boys were always all over town when we were able.

Everyone worked well together and aside from minor annoyances like someone finishing the coffee and not starting a fresh pot, there was no true problem.  If anything, the girls jumped in to keep things moving more smoothly.  Mike always forgets to wipe of his feet so if sand is in the house it's usually his fault.  Amber noticed that right away and swept to keep the floors cleared, then tease him about bringing the beach inside.  Those small actions helped everyone get along without any issue.

"Val?" I heard Callie call my name as she jogged up toward our room.  She went shopping with Mamochka, Keira, and Amber while I got some work done since it was over 100 degrees today and extremely humid.  My Dad stuck at the house to get work done, too, while the other guys were either sleeping or relaxing on the beach.  Air conditioning was a huge blessing considering todays heat wave.

I grinned as she joined me, sun kissed skin and bright eyes with her hair tied back in a loose French braid courtesy of Amber.  "Hey!  How was shopping?"

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