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"Good morning, Professor Ivanov." I kept my voice clear and head held high, meeting his steel gray eyes with the confidence I knew was tucked inside me. 

I wanted to fidget. It took all my energy to stop from wringing my hands or picking at my cuticles.  Sometimes I trace the tattoo on my inner wrist of the mute symbol but now I need to channel everything into showing I can be composed.

The Professor is intimidating, to say the least.  There is a good reason he is nicknamed Rasputin by students at this college.

A glimmer of a smile appeared on his face as he nodded while gesturing to one of the comfortable chairs positioned in front of his desk, "Good morning...." his voice trailed as he reviewed my resume in his hands, "Calliope Katherine Ustrashkin.... are you Russian?"

I offered a small smile, "My grandparents met at college in Moscow and came to America.  Dedushka was a professor. Papochka insisted we keep our last name the same since Americanizing last names is a bastardization of our heritage."

There was a nod of approval as he surveyed the curriculum vitae in his hands, silence filling the room.

I love silence.

It's a comfort to me when the only noise is the tick of a clock and the whir of the air conditioner.

"So, Miss Ustrashkin, what made you apply to be my teaching assistant?  I have known you to be a strong student with impressive linguistic skills, but why help in the classroom when teaching is not necessarily in your future? Why take this step when you're finishing your doctoral dissertation?  Based on what you've shared, you will be submitting soon then have your defense set for March."

If Professor Dmitri Ivanov was a stranger, these words would most likely unnerve me. Thankfully he has been my professor on two occasions in the past so I am well aware of how prickly his demeanor can be.

My eyes met his and I responded, "Linguistics is my focus but the art of sociology is my hobby and secondary major. I would love to assist in your classroom both to utilize my current skills and continue studying behavior as a means to enrich my thesis work." I paused, then decided to continue, "Professor, my dissertation is based on the research that indicates language impacts social skills and behavior in an academic setting more than we previously have believed. I love the concept of linguistics informing sociology, so working alongside you for the year would give me even more insight into this idea.  It's similar to the nature verses nurture debate, how one informs the other and they cannot exist independently."

The Professor narrowed his eyes at me and it took every ounce of strength in my body to stay still.  He is known for being a colossal ass, constantly demeaning students and requiring more than any other professor. Most of my classmates have no desire to even take his course, much less work alongside him, but I feel a kinship with Professor Ivanov.

His methods may be unconventional, but his passion for language is evident in every lesson. I need that influence to continue growing and developing the ideas I have for my thesis. He could help me by allowing this assistant position so I get on the job training, of sorts, for my final project.  In the future I would love to work in sociolinguistic research so this would also give me plenty to analyze for that possible next step.

My work will not end when my Dissertation is defended and I am officially called a Doctor for the first time.  This is a topic I wish to continue diving into for years in the future.

"So, Callie, let's talk reality here..." the condescension dripped from his voice and I instinctively glared his way. " I understand that I only just advertised for a teaching assistant at the beginning of December instead of taking that step before the school year began.  You are done with your course work and your thesis is due in what, 2 months?"

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