Bonus Chapter

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"Yeah, I'll be about an hour or so, Miles," I told my best friend while walking through campus on a frigid day in early January.  "Once I'm done catching up with work we should be able to game for a bit.  I know you have work tonight so that should be okay unless any customers have random issues."

"Sounds good, Val.  I am gonna head to the gym but enjoy your day.  Tell your Dad I say Hey," he replied before saying goodbye.

I visit my Papochka at work a couple times a week.  The habit started when I was a student and was the best solution I had for my lack of human contact most days.  My morning runs are for exercise, but this was my chance to see another person face to face.  When I found my apartment it was the perfect location.  About 10 minutes from my folks' house and right in the middle of a downtown area with bars as well as my gym.

Starting my company was the right choice.  The only downside has been the fact that now I never see anyone unless I leave the safety of my nice apartment.  We have dinner with my family every Saturday night so I have the chance to hang out with my parents and 3 brothers then also have a sports bar where I meet Dmitri and Mike once in awhile.

Like last night.

My older brothers were going on and on about our Dad's new teaching assistant.  He has never had anyone work alongside him like this before but our Mamochka put her foot down about the amount of time he spent writing a new textbook as well as teaching linguistics.  He keeps busy anyway but all of us became concerned with the stress he was under this past fall.  

Papochka was working longer hours, constantly distracted when he was at home, and struggling to stay awake past 9 most nights.

One person cannot do that much on such a short timeline.

Not like I can talk.  I got my delusional focus on work from my Dad.

The elevator dinged, letting me off on the 5th floor where most of the offices for staff were located.  My Dad's is at the end of the hall so I made my way there while fighting the anxiety building in my chest.

I have no reason to be nervous.  For all I  know this woman is married, or not my type, or someone I am not attracted to.  Just because Dmitri commented on how smart and easy to be around means nothing.  Just because Mike said she had the prettiest blue eyes he had ever seen doesn't mean...

A melodic laugh echoed through the hall as I approached and I had to stop myself to take a deep breath.

Come on, Val.  You're just visiting your Dad for a few minutes.  That's it.

After a moment I felt able to continue walking and knocked on the open doorway.

"Ahh, Valentin!  Come on it.  Let me introduce you to my new assistant," my Dad said while standing at his desk and reaching out a hand to gesture me inside.  "Val, meet Callie.  She was a student a few years back and is getting her Doctorate now."

I turned and was immediately stunned.

The gorgeous woman standing from her desk really did have the prettiest blue eyes I had ever seen.  Mike was right.  Her brown hair was down in waves while she was wearing a simple white button down with black pants.

Elegant and classic.  I appreciate that.

She smiled shyly and chuckled as I coughed then waved, "Nice to meet you, Callie."

"You, too, Val.  Can I get you a Coke or a cup of coffee?" Callie asked, moving toward a corner of the office with a fridge and table that held a coffee pot.

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