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Once Spring Break was over we fit back into our routine nicely, though Callie was far more relaxed.  The Dissertation process is needlessly anxiety inducing.  She handled herself with grace and intelligence but it was obvious how much effort she put into every page of that paper.

Callie left at lunch today so her mom could get to a pre-operative appointment. Their house sold quickly and she arranged to move into her new apartment in a couple of weeks so Val took the liberty of renting a U-Haul truck so they could get both her and Vera moved more easily.

I was encouraged by how willing she was to accept help from Val as well as Mike and Amber.  Dmitri also planned to pitch in as much as he could but his work schedule had been busy the last couple of weeks.

Our Dmitri always hoped for a little sister.  Anya told him the other day that Callie is as close to a little sister as he will get for he time being which made him grin.  He never had any romantic feelings toward my teaching assistant and had been encouraging Val all these months to give himself more credit.  My boys are good men that will band together when necessary.

It is a blessing that Callie brought them closer in so many ways.

"Come in..." I yawned and announced on a lovely afternoon in late April as someone knocked on my office door.

Nik peeked in and smiled, the same grin he has shown me every time he wanted something since he was a toddler.  Anya and I have always marveled at how similar all our boys look.  They have my gray eyes and her dark hair, though their personalities could not be more different.

"Hey, Dad... can I talk to you a minute?"

"Sure. Have a seat." I gestured to the chair in front of my desk and he looked around.

"Vera had an appointment today, right?" he asked, worried crease between his brows.

I know he cares about Callie more than he lets on.

He was painfully jealous of the easy friendship she had with Valentin, especially at our family dinners.  Anya and I have spoken at length about this issue but were proud of how easily Callie adjusted when Kelly was being hateful or one of Dmitri's dates had no tact.

I nodded, letting out a sigh. "The surgery is in about a month unless there are delays so it's one of a few pre-op appointments. They're also going to tour the assisted living complex to see Vera's apartment so they can measure and make sure everything will fit."

Nik shook his head, 'I can't imagine all she has to juggle between work and her mom's health... the fact that she finished her Dissertation on top of that is more than impressive."

"So, what can I do for you, Son?"

"I was hoping to get an idea of how I'm doing in your class. I know I missed last week when I was sick..."

"Hungover?" I accused and he nodded quietly. "Go on, Nikhail... you communicated with me the day before and made up the work so that's all I ask. You haven't gotten any preferential treatment."

Nik looked relieved but continued, "I just want to make you proud. I know I haven't had much by way of future goals but I'm trying to figure that out. I'm not smart like my brothers. I don't think I could handle the complicated work they do..."

"You don't need to be just like them, Nik. Forge your own path.  We have never expected anything different."

My response was quick and he seemed to consider it carefully before standing and offering his hand to shake. I moved around the desk and pulled him into a hug.

"All we've ever wanted is to see you find your way in life. It won't look like anyone else and we don't care... as long as you're happy, Nikhail."

Nik gave me a bright smile and took his leave before I sat down and thought about his concerns.

His older brothers always had an easy time focusing on school, but our youngest struggled to decide what he wanted his life to be like.  He should graduate next year but I have a good feeling he will figure it out soon.

My desk phone rang and I answered quickly.


"Professor, it's Callie..." her voice was frantic and she sounded upset.

I sat up straighter and asked, "Callie, are you okay?"

There was a pause before she responded, "Honestly, no... the appointment did not go well. Mom needed to go to the ER for dizziness and dehydration so I'm hanging out with her while they give her fluids and run some labs. We are hoping this is just a bump in the road but they may admit her overnight for monitoring.  Her specialist was just here anyway doing rounds and is also going to see if they can move up her surgery."

"Stay as long as you need, Callie. Let me know if she is admitted. I'm sure Anya would love to visit tomorrow if that's okay." I kept my voice calm but could feel her pain.

The only family she has is in limbo and has been for years. 

Everything is changing while she is trying to stay afloat.

I knew how to help but also knew she would not accept if I offered.

She thanked me for my understanding and hung up as a doctor arrived, leaving me to my thoughts.

I immediately grabbed my cell phone and texted Val.

Good afternoon, Val... are you busy?

He responded within moments as I worked on emails.

Hey, Dad.  Just finishing up some work but was planning to cut out soon then get a run in. What's up?

I smiled to myself, and texted back, Just talked to Callie. Vera is in the ER and may need to be admitted overnight for observation. Wanted you to have a heads up.

There was a longer pause this time and while I waited, Callie texted.

CALLIE: She will be in room 427 at least overnight. Once they have her settled I'll run home to grab her a few things. Mama would love to see Anya if she's willing to stop by tomorrow so we will figure that out later.  Thank you, Professor!

I am heading over there now. I will do all I can to help.

Val's message was exactly what I expected from him.

He has loved her since they first met but shows endless encouragement instead of forcing their relationship to move faster than Callie could handle. Anya and I had a long talk with Valentin a few days ago when he stopped by the house one evening. Our son finally admitted that he was head over heels but knew he had to do everything in his power to ensure Callie had what she needed.

He has been stepping in as a calm support from day one.  I chuckled to myself and decided to call it a day.

My work here is done. Nik is reassured that he can keep working and has our support considering his effort. Val is going to support his girl.

Now I get to go home to my wonderful wife.  I know she will want to visit Vera tomorrow, both because they have become dear friends and out of love for Callie.

From teaching assistant to Dochka.  I would not have predicted this when I interviewed her around 4 months ago, but I am thankful for how life surprised me.

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