01- The First Day!

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Laura's POV:

I groan as my alarm goes off. It takes me a few moments to realise it's the first day of school. I hurriedly shower and get dressed into the school uniform.

 I hurriedly shower and get dressed into the school uniform

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Laura adjusted her glasses nervously as she stepped through the bustling hallways of her high school, her heart pounding with the anticipation of her first day of 12th grade. The corridors were alive with the energy of students reconnecting after summer break, but Laura felt like a lone satellite orbiting an unfamiliar planet.

She hugged her books tightly to her chest, her eyes darting around nervously, trying to avoid any unwanted attention. As she turned a corner, lost in her thoughts, she collided with someone, causing her papers to scatter across the floor.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" a voice exclaimed.

Laura's heart sank as she looked up to see Alex, the school's notorious playboy, towering over her with an annoyed expression.

"I-I'm sorry," Laura stammered, quickly bending down to pick up her fallen belongings. "I wasn't paying attention."

Alex rolled his eyes, his frustration evident. "Seriously? You should watch where you're walking. You could've ruined my shirt!"

Laura felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she gathered her things as quickly as she could. "I said I'm sorry," she muttered softly, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, whatever," Alex grumbled, brushing past her and disappearing into the crowd.

Feeling mortified, Laura hurried to her first class, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. She sank into her seat, trying to disappear into the background as the teacher began the lesson.

OH NO I BUMPED INTO THE ONE AND ONLY ALEX SHIT IM IN TROUBLE, worst part is ITS THE FIRST DAY.  I think to myself while walking to my first class of the day; Chemistry



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