04-Pizza Night

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Laura's POV

One sunny Saturday afternoon, I found myself craving a slice of my favorite pizza from Tony's Pizzeria, a cozy little joint just a few blocks from her apartment. As I made my way there, my mind buzzed with thoughts of alien civilizations and time travel, her latest obsessions.Entering the pizzeria, My mouth watered at the scent of freshly baked dough and melting cheese. I ordered her usual, a large pepperoni pizza—and took a seat by the window, eager to indulge in my culinary delight.

Just as she was about to take her first bite, the door chimed, and in walked Anna-Joy, a girl whose vibrant energy seemed to fill the room. Unlike Laura, Anna-Joy exuded confidence and style, with her trendy clothes and infectious smile.

Anna-Joy approached the counter, her eyes scanning the menu board before settling on a slice of margherita pizza. As she waited for her order, she glanced around the pizzeria and her gaze fell upon Laura.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" Anna-Joy asked, gesturing to the empty seat across from Laura.

Laura blinked in surprise, unused to strangers initiating conversation with her. "Uh, sure," she replied, a hint of nervousness creeping into her voice.

With a bright smile, Anna-Joy pulled out the chair and sat down opposite Laura. "I'm Anna-Joy," she said, extending her hand.

"I'm Laura," Laura replied, shaking Anna-Joy's hand with a shy smile.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they bonded over their shared love of pizza and swapped stories about their lives. Laura learned that Anna-Joy had recently moved to Maplewood and was still adjusting to her new surroundings. Anna-Joy, in turn, discovered Laura's passion for all things nerdy and admired her unapologetic enthusiasm.

Before they knew it, the afternoon had slipped away, and the pizzeria was closing for the day. Reluctantly, Laura and Anna-Joy bid farewell, promising to meet again soon.

Over the next few weeks, Laura and Anna-Joy's friendship blossomed as they explored Maplewood together, discovering hidden gems and creating memories along the way. From movie marathons to late-night stargazing sessions, they found solace and comfort in each other's company.

One day, as they were lounging in Laura's cozy apartment, surrounded by stacks of books and half-empty pizza boxes, Laura had an idea.

"Hey, why don't you come over to my place next weekend?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We could watch the latest episode of 'Galactic Explorers' and maybe even try out that new board game I bought."

Anna-Joy's face lit up with delight. "That sounds amazing! I'd love to come over."

I feel so happy, I've just made a friend......OMG I JUST MADE A FRIENDD FINALMENTE, I thought to myself


Ouuuu, Look at Laura making a new friend!

Well, Little does she know.....

!Double Update!

-Love you all


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