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Anna-Joy's POV

I wipe my tears, before beginning with my explaination.

"So, Ethan and I met in the 6th grade, and I felt so connected to him, He asked me to prom and I felt so happy, but one day, I stayed at home cause I had a tummy bug and I got pictures and videos from an anonymous number, I obviouly viewed it cause I was curious, by the way we were now in 9th grade and Ethan and I have been dating for a year and a half, so when I opened I saw him and my best friend Katherine (Kat), making out and obviously I didn't believe this so I went to the ramen shop around the corner and I found Ethan and Kat having sex in MY car that I got for my 15th birthday, so after a while, I messaged him a whole break-up text and a few days, Like the day before I met Laura, I bumped into him and he tried to ask me out and I just had a small talk with him and so then I kissed his brother Adam and from there on I just felt like I was done with boys then I heard about Karl and I felt completed", I said wiping my tears as Karl hugged me.

Alex looked at me stunned and shocked, Laura felt so emotional. "I think we should go home...", I say as I see Ethan entering, everyone seems confused and follows where my eyes are looking, Karl then clenches his jaw as Ethan walks over to our table.

"Ohh hey Anna-Joy and Alex", he says sitting down at our table. I ignore him. "Hey Ethan", Alex awkwardly greets. "Hey baby, can we go home soon", I say to Karl to break the silence and Ethan looks at me confused. "Yeah no problem", Karl says blushing and giving me a quick-peck.

"What the fuck dude, you cannot just kiss a girl you like", Ethan says and Karl then stands up and says in his most deepest-husky voice. "Ethan, du solltest besser deinen Arsch hier rausholen, bevor ich es vermassele, und meine Freundin da rauslassen. Arschloch, und glaube nicht, dass ich nicht weiß, was du ihr angetan hast. Du hast Glück gehabt, dass Leute in der Nähe sind, sonst wärst du tot gewesen". (Translation: Ethan, you better get your ass out of here before I beat it, and leave my girlfriend out of this, asshole, and don't think I dont know what you did to her, you lucky that theres people around otherwise, you would've been dead.)

I didn't understand, but I found it hot. All of a sudden Laura stepped in, "Ja, lass dich von der Scheiße befreien, bevor ich dir mit Sicherheit die Knochen breche!". she says cracking her knuckles. (Translation: Yeah!, back off piece of shit, before I will most definitely break your bones!).

After that I remember we left $20 on the table and we ran out of there. Ethan looking shocked as ever. HE WASN'T EVEN BLINKING!!!

I then walked to the car hiding my anger. I even slammed Alex's door. Baby hormones! Maybe they're hungry. We arrive home and I jump on Karl's bed.

(Time skip)

We all decided to go to the beach, so I got ready.

My beach fit: (Belly hasn't grown yet!)

My beach fit: (Belly hasn't grown yet!)

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Laura's outfit:

Daddy Karl's outfit: (or imagine your own)

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Daddy Karl's outfit: (or imagine your own)

Daddy Karl's outfit: (or imagine your own)

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Daddy Alex's outfit:

"Guys, hurry up!", Alex shouted

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"Guys, hurry up!", Alex shouted. I smacked the back of his head and he jumped rubbing the back of his head. "Don't tell me to hurry up", I said.

Karl laughed at this and backhugged me.

We then arrived at the beach and I could see people staring, Laura and Alex went the other way while and Karl and I walked hand-in-hand to the other side.

The amount of girls that were staring at Karl was UNREAL!. Some were even lifting the boobs up. Obviously Karl didn't care. One girl then approached us. "Heyy, my name is Harley, I was just thinking if I could get your number and you're so hot", she says squeezing on his muscles, she acted as if I wasn't if there. I cleared my throat and she then looked at me up and down and I was so ready, Karl noticed this and chuckled.

"Sorry Harris but I don't think my Fiancé, would appreciate that", he says pecking my cheek and I blushed at him calling me his fiancé. The girl then rolled her eyes and walked away shouting "ITS HARLEY NOT HARRIS". I laughed at her.

"So babe, I never got to know your birthday?", I say walking up a rock. "It's in like 3 months and I know yours is the same day as mine, 11 July", he says and I look at him shocked. ""No way!", I say, "Yes way baby".

"Baby, let's go get ice-cream please", I say. "Why get ice-cream, why you can always ask me for mine", he says backhugging me. "KARL CHRISTOPHER ANDERSON!", I shout playfully hitting him. He gasps faking a sad face and pouting.

I kiss his pouting lips. He then takes me to a small private area. I see a big penthouse and small picnic date blanket with things on it. I tear up. "Awww Baby", I say hugging him, my short-self was tippy-toeing.

"No problem, my sweetheart".





-(978 words)

-Love you all⭐


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