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Alex's POV

After the lunch incident I couldn't stop thinking about Laura. I get ready for school and I put on my new outfit, I got from my closet.

Alex's outfit:

It's currently 06:35AM, so I still have an hour, school is at 7:50AM

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It's currently 06:35AM, so I still have an hour, school is at 7:50AM. I brush my hair and Make breakfast.

"Sup brotherr, I'm gonna leave early so I can go to Starbucks with Lauraaaaaa", Ann says teasing me.

I cover my face, "Just go to fricking school, by the way, I might come home late, I have track practise, it ends around 4pm", I say annoyingly at the last part.

"Ouu, ovviamente ti piace Laura, è ovvio", Ann says picking up her bag. (Translation: Ouu, you obviously like Laura, It's obvious).

"No, che cazzo, è solo una nerd, non potrei mai sceglierla", I say looking at Ann, hiding my smile. (Translation: No, what the fuck, she's just a nerd, I could never go for her).

"You keep telling yourself that!", Ann says heading out the door, "Well, I better go now, I dont wanna keep Laura waiting", she winks at me and leaves.

I groan before taking my bag and heading out the door, to walk to my Black Mercedes-Benz Glc 220d. I head to school to be greeted by Max.

"Bro, have you heard.......Mr. Smit is grading our chemistry for.....for.......for the whole year......." Max says worried.

"WHAT!, don't talk shit!", I say groaning.

Ann then approaches me with Laura. My jaw dropped like no way, Laura was sooo.... damn.

Laura's outfit:

Laura's outfit:

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"HEYY ALEX HELLOOOO, EARTH TO ALEX, BROOOO", Ann hit me with her bag. "Ouchh!, che cazzo!", I say angry. (Translation: Ouchh!, what the fuck!).

"Like what you see?", Laura says innocently with her thick round glasses on.

"I sure do", Max says and I smack him in the face, "Back off dude", I say without thinking.

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