07- My biggest crush

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(Had to add my reggae side!, doesn't really make sense to the story!)


Laura's POV

"Ci vediamo dopo, papà!", I say, instantly making my own eyes widen. (Translation: See you later daddy!). Well uhm that the only easy italian I know.

Anna gives me the big smirk face, "Well...........uhm.....wow",she says.

Alex then turns around and says something I don't understand. "Cazzo, mi fai arrapare, principessa!" (Translation: Fuck, you make me horny, princess!), I look at Anna confused and she says, "Damnnn, HEY ALEX THATS MY FRIEND GO AND FIND SOME ELSE TO BE HORNY ABOUT AND DON'T FUCKING CALL HER PRINCESS, YOU PIECE OF SHIT"

I look at Anna suprised and then sigh. "Let's go Anna, I'm sure he didn't mean it", I look around to see ugly Ellie approaching me with her cheerleading minions.

I groan, "What the fuck do you want now botched barbie?", she gasps making the crowd arround us go 'Ooooo', she then suddently tries to get at me but I dodge, I grab her wrist and smirk, "Pass besser auf, ich komme auch für dich!" I say and walk away with Anna. (Translation: You better watch out i'll come for you too!)

After I handing in my English essay, I went down for lunch only to see Anna looking at me me like 'damn girl'.

"Okay spill please, because how the fuck.....is your german so fucking......ughhhhhh........greattt", Anna says amazed.

I laugh, "Anna, babes my parents are from Germany", I say giggling. "No fucking way, so do you have any siblings???"

I burst out laughing, "ANNA!, Wow, but yess I have a 16-year-old piece of shit brother named Karl"

"Could you like uhm.........wait no nevermi-", she says shly. "Girl ofc ill give him your number", I cut her off.

"Really?", she says blushing, "Yeah- ofc wait let me message him", I say rolling my eyes playfully

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Okay, he should have you number now!", I say. "Thank you so much Lou!", Anna says blushing, "No problem!", I say laughing at her laughing state.

Suddently Alex and Max walk up to our table sitting down. "Not this piece of shit!" I groan, making sure everyone heard what I said. "Wow, crazy cause you had no problem calling me Daddy", Alex says smirking.

"Dude, can you like........not", Max says while choking on his subway. I look away feeling a sudden balloon in my stomach as if I'm on a rollercoaster!.

"Sooo...... Anna did Karl message you cause you've been blushing at your screen for the past 20 minutes!", I say, causing her to blush and it also causes Alex to look around shocked.

"Who the fuck is Karl?", Alex says angry. "None of your fucking business broskie", Anna says blushing. "I'm gonna fucking find him and make sure he never sees light again", Alex says blabbering.

I look at him, "Are you done?", I say looking bothered. Alex wonders why im not so worried, "Principessa, she's talking to a fucking asshole who we will never ever know!!", Alex says getting angrier.

"First of all, dont call me that, second of all NEVER and I mean NEVER call my brother an asshole, even tho he is,don't ever call him that, cause I will fucking slap you, piece of shit" I say causing the whole cafeteria to look towards our table.

Alex and Max look at me like they've seen a ghost!, "Hold up Principessa, your're saying that the one and only Handsome Karl Anderson is your brother? and who knew a nerd could swear so much" Alex says.

I roll my eyes before saying, "No, he's my bedroom door.......Like broo yes thats my brother and dont call me that and by the way I can swear whenever I want!, It's my mouth and by the way theres other things my mouth is very good at", I say before smirking and winking at him, Before Anna chokes on her Ice coffee.

"Damn bestie, no cause she actually ate that", Anna said before I saw Alex getting another bulge.

I walk back to the cafeteria before giving Alex my number!

'If you ever want to have some study fun, call me at xxxxxxxxxxx'.

Alex then looks at me before scrunching his nose, "The fuck no!", He says.

I act fake hurt and say "Awww it's okay daddy you know you want it" Alex then turns pink and covers his face from embarrassment. I laugh before walking out with Anna.

I think I might like Alex Bruno De Luca-Marino!,


Wow!, Thats almost 1000 words, Lol, I had fun writing this!

(721 words)

-Love you all


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