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(A/n: I felt like the song matches Alex's vibe...)

Alex's POV:

(Alex's fit)

'Alex The Playboy Of The Town' He was what some might call a playboy; A charmer with a smile that could melt hearts and a reputation that preceded him wherever he went

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'Alex The Playboy Of The Town' He was what some might call a playboy; A charmer with a smile that could melt hearts and a reputation that preceded him wherever he went.

One brisk morning, as the sun began to peek over the horizon, Alex reluctantly opened his eyes. It was the first day of a new school year, and while most students dreaded the return to academia, Alex saw it as yet another opportunity for playing more girl's hearts.

However, as he shifted in his bed, he felt an unfamiliar weight beside him. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, Alex's gaze fell upon a girl lying beside him. His mind raced as he struggled to recall the events of the previous night. But try as he might, the details remained hazy, lost in a blur of alcohol and laughter.

With a resigned sigh, Alex annoyingly nudged the girl awake. As she stirred, confusion clouded her features before realization dawned. Panic flickered in her eyes as she scrambled to gather her belongings, mumbling apologies as she hurried out the door.

Once alone, Alex shook his head, dismissing the encounter with a nonchalant shrug. Such occurrences were not uncommon in his world, after all. With a careless glance at the clock, he realized he was running late for school. 

He rushed not wanting to go to Mr.Locksmins office.He hurriedly dressed into his dress shirt rolling up the wrist parts, he put he's tie on his neck half-asleep, he then put on black-designer pants and white designer shoes; and rushed his hands through his hair.

However, his haste came to an abrupt halt as he collided with a figure in thick-rimmed glasses and a pile of books teetering precariously in her arms.

"Watch where you're going, Dumbass!" the girl exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she struggled to regain her balance.

For a moment, Alex was stunned into silence. He had bumped into a complete opposite, an earnest, studious-nerdy girl named Laura, whom he'd only ever noticed in passing before. Yet now, as he gazed into her eyes, he found himself strangely captivated by her fiery spirit and unwavering confidence.

"What the fuck did you just call me", Alex says as he scoffs, Making sure to always cause a scene.

His reverie was abruptly interrupted when he spotted a familiar figure across the courtyard, Ellie, his so-called girlfriend. A pang of annoyance surged through him as he watched her laughing and flirting with another group of boys, oblivious to his presence.


After lunch ended, Alex decided it would be a good time to head home; though his mind couldn't stop thinking about earlier.



As he wandered the bustling city streets, Alex couldn't shake the nagging feeling that perhaps there was more to life than the endless pursuit of pleasure and excitement. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city skyline, he vowed to discover what that something more might be.

All of a sudden, Alex sees his little sister Anna-Joy laughing with a cool-handsome young boy, he's anger suddently starts building up.


Oop- Sorry for the cliffhanger!

I've just decieded to start abit basic!

-With Love


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