11-Home date (prt 2.)

7 1 1

Laura's POV

Alex gives amazing hickeys, I think I really want to lose my v-card to him.

After Alex and I arrived home,I go through the backdoor with him.  I ran with him upstairs, not seeing my parents sitting on the couch. I then changed into some comfy clothes and Alex luckly brought his own clothes,.

Laura's outfit:

Laura's outfit:

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Alex's outfit:

I then hear voices downstairs

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I then hear voices downstairs. It then hits me, my parents are home. "Shit, Alex don't freak out but I think my parents are home!", I say nervous. "Hey, it's okay....uhm.....I can meet them", He says scratching the back of his head.

"OMG, really?, Thank you so much", I say so excitedly, I even lean in and kiss him roughly and smoothly. It all happened so fast, A couple of minutes later, I realised what I was doing and I pulled  away, shy.

"Alex......I'm so sorry, I didn't mea-", I say before Alex licks his lips and cuts me off by kissing my again but this time he nodded his head to ask me for permission to enter his tongue in my mouth, I teased him and said no but they he tricked me by moving his fingers down from my cheek.

I then gasped and he took his chance and started kissing me deeply. I couldn't really breath anymore. We then both pulled away, and the room's atmosphere was filled with our loud-fast breathing.

"Fuck, Laura will you be my REAL girlfriend?", Alex asked me smiling. I blushed at his question and I blushed even more at his smile.

"Y-yes suree", I hug him, I remember I'm only 5'5 and his like 6'4. "Okay follow me downstairs so we can meet my parents", I say whispering as I open the door.

When we both get downstairs, my mom and dad look at me curious and my mom eyes Alex up-and-down.

"Hey mom and dad", I say hugging them both and they hug me back happily.

"Well who is this handsome boy?", my dad says, before shaking Alex's hand. "This is my boyfriend Alex Bruce De Luca-Marino, we have been together for 5 months". I'm not lying tho, we fake dated for 5 months and we started real dating today so yeah!.

"Nice to meet you, Alex, I'm Laura's mom, please can I get you some water or anything?", My mom says with a smile. Alex laughs then says, "No thank you Mrs Anderson, I'm okay for now". "Please call me Lillee, Mrs Anderson makes me sound so uhhh....Formal", My mom says laughing.

"Yes, yes please my son call me Ben, so Alex can you please go upstairs for a few minutes we would love to privately speak to Laura?", My dad says and I know, something good or bad is gonna happen.

"Oh, no problem!", "A più tardi, principessa", Alex says before going upstairs. (Translation: See you later, princess). "And he's Italian???, bonus!", my mom says!. I laugh.

"Laura, we wanted to say if you ever want to speak to us about something please inform us, never be scared, also I see you got you first hickey,.....well hickeys....also here you go", My mom says before handing me a box, which says '50 condoms, Protection comes first', I choke on my saliva and I also realise my hickeys were on display and Alex saw them and said nothing, no wonder he kept laughing.

"Mom no ewww!", I say blushing, "Well we have to get going and Karl was here a few hours ago, with some Beautiful girl named Anna-Joy!, she was so lovely", My dad says.

I almost forget Ann and Alex are siblings. "Ohhh yeah, that Alex's younger-sister!", I say and my moms eyes widen. "I knew Alex looked so familiar!".

"Anyways, we have to go, Bye honey!", My dad says, "Bye my love!, USE PROTECTION! AND I BOUGHT YOU A NEW VIBRATOR IT IS CLEAN AND CHARGED, I PUT IT IN YOUR WALK-IN CLOSET", my mom says  before leaving and I'm pretty sure Alex heard that, because I heard him laugh after my mom said that.

"MOMMMMM!, CAN YOU NOT!", I say, "Geez!", my mom says. After my parents left. I headed to my room and then Alex dragged me in making the condom box fall and hes lips started attacking mine. He bit my lips so rough, I could taste the blood.

"FUCK......Laura......I'm horny", Alex says, making me laugh. "Sounds like a you problem".



-Love you all


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