09-Oh shit!

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Laura's POV

I wake up the next day after a long nap. Shit!, I remember that Andrew will be coming today!

I groan and check my alarm, 05:38AM, Ok, so I have 2 hours. I shower and do my morning routine and skin routine. I wear my outfit with Alex's jacket that he gave me, I sniff it because it calms me down.

Laura's outfit:

I finish and I call Anna to come pick me up

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I finish and I call Anna to come pick me up.

"Anna hey can you come pick me up, I don't feel safe", I say.

"Yeah sure no problem, but I'll ask Alex cause I can't drive yet", she says back.

"Okay sure, no problem. Just ask him to hurry up!" I say.

"Okay!, Love you bestie", she says.

"Love you too bestiee!", I say back

After 30 minutes of waiting, Karl headed to school 20 minutes ago. A Black Mercedes-Benz Glc 220d pulled up in my driveaway.

"Hop in principessa", Alex says, "I could hop on you, you know", I blurt out without thinking then Alex chuckles and I widen my eyes!, "I.....I'm so sorry", I say and he looks at me with his ocean-hazel eyes, "No problem principessa".

At this point I got used to the nickname.

"Nice jacket by the way", Alex says. I look down and realise I'm wearing his jacket. "Oh, I could give it back you know", I say as, I'm about to take it off.

"No!, Keep it, you look hot, infact you can have it", he says smirking. "Oh, thank you, by the way, I have a favour...... canwejustfakedatesoIcangetridofAndrew", I say in one breath, not giving him a second to respond.

He laughs, "What?", he says laughing. I sigh, "Can we just fake date so I can get rid of Andrew.....please, you know it's okay if you say no, I could ask Max", I say scared of getting rejected.

"NO NOT MAX!.......I mean uhm no not Max, I'll help you!, But you have to do half of the Chemistry project", He says.

"Deal!, plus its due in like 5 months", I say.

We arrive at school and we both walk in the school to see a big crowd around my locker. I wonder what's happening, I walk there and I see.....Andrew


"Oh shit, you got even sexier", Andrew says

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"Oh shit, you got even sexier", Andrew says. I look at him pissed and say "Verpiss dich!, ich habe keine Lust auf dich, ich habe Orte, an denen ich sein kann, und ECHTE Freunde, um die ich mich kümmern muss!". (Translation: Fuck off!, I'm not in the mood for you, I have places to be and REAL friends to attend to!)

"Come on, you know you want me back" He says. "No dude, go to Lacie or should I say Ellie's sister", I say looking around for Ellie after the last 2 words.

The whole crowd gasps!

I try to walk away but he grabs my wrist. "Why the fuck are you wearing a man's jacket and you smell like a man" he says. "Don't fucking touch me first of all and by the way., WHY. DO YOU. CARE, I'VE MOVED ON, SOMETHING YOU SHOULD TRY OUT!", I try and let go then Alex steps in.

"Bro let her go!" Alex says in his deep-husky voice. I realise Alex is like 6'4 and Andrew is 5'8. "Ohhhhh, wow Laura, you got yourslf a big dog, WOW!", Andrew says only to recieve a punch! I tried to keep my tears in, but faith wanted to let me go

"Stai indietro, cazzo, e lascia la mia ragazza DA SOLA!" Alex says. (Translation: Back the fuck off, and leave my girlfriend ALONE!). Now what Alex didn't know was that Andrew is also full-Italian.

"Bene bene fratello, anch'io sono italiano, sarà divertente!", Andrew said smiling. (Translation: Well well brother, I'm italian as well, this is gonna be fun!). "Watch out!, Lets go principessa!" Alex says smirking.

Everyone in the crowd is shook including myself. Alex takes my hand and We both go to Mathematics class. Alex looks at me and winks.

After Mathematics Class, It was lunch so Me and Alex walked to the cafeteria, to see Anna-Joy, Karl, and Max sitting down!.

"OMG OMG OMG!!!!, ALEX NO WAY YOU SPOKE TO ANDREW THAT WAYYY LIKEEEE YASSSS BROTHERRR", Anna says excited. "Calm down sis!", I said laughing. Max then fist-bumped me and headed to the vending machine .

Andrew then approached our table, "Nicht dieses Stück Scheiße!", I say angry. "I was your favourite piece of shit", Andrew says. "Yeah , 5 years ago" I say rolling my eyes.(Translation: Not this piece of shit!)

"So babe, uhm can you come over for the project", Alex says making Anna and Karl choke on their apples and fries. "Jesus.......woah...*coughs*", Anna says.

"Babe???, Since when,?", Anna says. "Oh for the past uhm.......3/4 months", I say before leaning in to make it more obvious.

"Maybe, no PDA, please?", Karl says. I blush and giggle. "Oh, sei still, du wichst Anna buchstäblich in deinem Zimmer einen runter", (Translation: Oh, shut up, you literally jerk off to Anna in your room). Anna and Alex including Andrew start choking and coughing. Karl then looks away embarrassed.

"Nahhh broooo", Andrew says, explaining what I said. Alex then clenches his jaw, and Anna then blushes all the way!. "Karl thats my sister right there plus she 15!!!!, You are like what 16?", Alex says angry.

"Baabbeee, calm down",I blurt out making Alex blush a little. "Sorry principessa, but you need to teach your brother some manners!.". I laugh and kiss his cheek making him smirk.

"Let's go schools over!", Alex says and I notice him covering his harden cock. I'm pretty sure everyone at the table saw it. "Brother no, that's my sister!, go sort your problem, somewhere else, that would be amazing!", Karl blurts out.


I laugh and walk hand-in-hand with Alex. I decide to help Alex out. We walk to his car. As he starts the car. I put my seductive-side on. I touch unbuckle his sweatpants laces. I try to push it down before Alex looks at me shocked. "Principessa.....w-what are.....you doi-", before he finishes his sentence, I put his hard length in my mouth and stroke it while it's in my mouth. Alex whimpers and tries to stop me. "Lau-Laura, FUCK.".

He grabs my head and pushes it up-and-down. I've never done this before but my parents gave me 'The Talk', a few months back. I keep teasing his tip and he got so much harder he moaned  and groaned so loud, I'm pretty sure the people outside the car were getting suspicious.

"F-FUCK, Laura don't stop!", Alex groans. I put it deep in my mouth until it hit my throat and mouth rooftop, I started swirling, my tongue around his tip, until, I felt a warm liquid hit my mouth's rooftop.

I swallowed it like a good girl and I, backed off wiped my mouth, Alex was still shocked and moved his head backwards on the car's seat head protecter.

"Fuck, you are so good principes-sa", Alex said breathing loudly. "I know, it was my first time doing that!!!", I said smirking. "First time and you are so good? Damn , I'm gonna need that more", Alex said. "By the way why is it salty?", I asked curious. "Well that for me to know and for you to find out hun!", He said back.

Then it hit me that we are just a fake couple.





(1226 Words)

-Love you all!


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