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(Had to add my reggae side!)

Alex's POV

After finding out that Anna is pregnant, I was so happy but then so pissed because I thought Laura would get pregnant first. But I'm so happy for my little sister.

I'll just cut Karl's balls off if he decides to leave her, cause he wanted to sleep with her. It's been pretty awkward between her and I, after we had sex.

Everytime I try to go hug her, she smoothly moves away, I think I'm so fed up now, i'm going to go talk to her.

(After a While in Alex's bedroom)

"Hey baby", I try to kiss her but she moves away smiling. I made sure to lock the door with my fingerprint-code. "You can't ignore me for a whole 3 days", I say and you could probably hear my pissed tone. "I'm not ignoring you Alex!, grow up", she says scoffing. "Me? grow up?, first of all, you're the one in my house, don't get me started Laura", I say in a angry tone and she flinches at this. "Why you so silent all of a sudden, you the one who started acting like a bitch!", I say without thinking and she looks at me with teary eyes, she manages to unlock the door.

She runs out and I hear sobbing noises, SHIT, I fucked up. Our first argument. I sit on the bed stressed and a few moments later I hear the sound of Laura's eletric bicycle drive away. She's definitely angry.

I decide to take a small nap....

(Time Skip)

I got woken up by Anna hitting me with my huge ass pillow, she screaming and hitting me while Karl tries to pull her away.

Pregnancy hormones. I thought and then she starts hitting me harder. "I FUCKING HEARS THAT YOU PIECE OF RUBBISH, THIS IS YOU NIECE.....OR NEPHEW", she says throwing me with coffee (its cold now) that was on my side board.

I kinda expected that, when she finally pulls away, "All I did was fuck up and she was ignoring me so we had an argument and I might or might have not called her a......you kno-", I say and she interrupts me "No the fuck I don't know!", "Let me finish, damn!, so I might or might have not called her a.....bitch", the moment I finished that sentence, Karl started jumped on me and punching me, I tried fighting back, but damn!

It hurt so bad, all I remember was my vision going black and Anna screaming and sobbing, 'Karl stop! you'll kill him', over and over.


Short? Yep I know sorry!

This is basically a filler chapter!

Damn! But Alex got beaten up, I can clearly tell that Karl is going to be protective over his child, Lets all wish him a goodluck!

Especially for Anna who is 16 and is giving birth in April (in the next year), such a young age to give birth! I doubt if she'll have energy to push out the little one, seeing how crazy and energetic she is for gossiping and fighting but when it comes to work she dead tired! (LOL😂💀)

(513 words)

-Love you all⭐


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