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Anna-Joy's POV

I'm 3 months and 2 weeks today. Nobody has noticed my bump yet, I've been wearing my oversized clothing.

So today Laura and I are gonna get some clothing and I need to go get the gifts. So I decided that I shall get baby clothes like in my 7th month.

We are currently at the new shopping mall, that opened 5 weeks ago. I got a lot of clothing and shoes. The same for Laura. I then got a teddy bear with a gifting boy and a baby onesies.

I locked it in my secret stash place and now it was time to tell Alex. "ALEXXX", I shouted when we got back. "What?", he said and I dragged him to my room but I knew Karl was at his friends football match.

"So, I have something to tell you, but you cannot tell Karl", I say playing with my fingers. He looks at me worried, "Anna, are you okay". I sigh, taking a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant", I say smiling.

Alex looks at me shocked and hugs me tight. "WOW ANNA, HOW LONG?", "3 months and 2 weeks", I say hugging him back. He gasps and then looks sad. "But you're only 15 turning 16 and Karl's turning 17". He says playing with my ponytails.

"We share a birthday so, i'm planning something for him", I say fidgeting with my ponytails. "Well goodluck sis!, I won't tell him, don't worry!!!", He says, walking out and kissing Laura who was standing at the door.

I burst out in tears. They both look at me scared. "Anna, breathe, what's wrong", Laura says. "What if he doesn't accept us, what if he breaks up with me, what if he will jus-", "Nooo, he loves you!", Laura says cutting me off. I get all the thoughts in my head. We all do a family hug.

After all, I'm happy Karl didn't pull out.




(327 words)

-Love you all⭐


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