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Laura's POV

I just got a call from Anna, she as crying and she told me that Alex is in the hospital.

My world came crashing.

I immediately popped a mint in my mouth and hurriedly made a messy bun. I checked if my outfit was okay and then I grabbed my purse and phone.

Lauras outfit:

I started crying, I ordered an uber, majority of them costed over $40, expensive much for a 3 minute ride

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I started crying, I ordered an uber, majority of them costed over $40, expensive much for a 3 minute ride.

(Time skip)

I arrived at 'Newton-Lydia Hospital care'. When I got in, I hurried to the receptionist. "Hello, how may I help you?", the receptionist said smiling. "Hi yes, I'm looking for Alex De Luca-Marino", I said and I think she heard the panic in my voice.

She starts typing, "Room 403, take a left and on your right!, Have a good day!", she says and I mouth thank you before running off. I understand he called me a bitch, I honestly didn't expect him to call me that, so I just left.

When I arrive, Anna sees me and rushes to me, "Thank goodness for coming Laura, if you're wondering, Karl just kept punching him when he told us why you left". I then turn to see Karl with a serious dead stare/guilty face.

"Karl, seriously you didn't have to do that", I say and pull him into a good-deep hug. "Nein, Laura, ich musste es tun, es tut mir leid, aber ich hatte einfach das Gefühl, dass ich es tun musste. Bitte verzeihen Sie mir. Ich glaube, ich war sehr wütend, weil ich an das Baby gedacht habe und als ich hörte, wie es dich nannte, bin ich ausgeflippt!", He says before bursting into tears. Anna looks at us confused but I could see tears in her eyes. (Translation: No Laura, I had to, I'm sorry but I just felt like I had to. Please forgive me. I think I was very angry because I was thinking about the baby and when I heard what he called you, I freaked out!).

"Karl, mach dir keine Sorgen, ich verzeihe dir, tu es einfach nicht noch einmal. Ich verstehe, dass du 17 bist, aber bitte beruhige dich, ich möchte nicht, dass deine Sucht zurückkommt", The moment I said this Anna's face widen as if she understood and Karl just nodded. (Translation: Karl, don't worry I forgive you, just don't do it again, I understand you're 17 but please calm down, I dont want you're addiction to come back).

"A-addiction, Karl what is she talking about", Anna said choking on her tears. Karls eyes widen and he then looks at me. "Laura please explain, I need to use the bathroom", he then walks out.

I kiss Alex's forehead, hes machine shows that hes still unconscious. Anna looks at me rubbing her belly, I smile at this thinking how Alex and I will be parents.


"Please explain to me Laura!", Anna says trying to smile so she can hide the sadness. I take deep breaths and start explaining.

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