06- School AGAIN!!!

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Laura's POV

Never did I think my own friend's brother is the fricking asshole who bumped into me. Well I won't cut her offf but I will definitely act like I don't know him.

Well I need to get ready for school, so far I'm actually enjoying it, I have to hand in my English essay today so Ms. Rosania can grade it. I swear I hate that teacher, but why do I feel like she's dating my chemistry teacher, Mr. Olkers.

Enough blabbering I need to get ready. I did my skincare routine, I took 30 minutes to shower, I checked the time only to see 05:37 AM, I still have about 2 hours.

So the school emailed us to tell us they have changed some school policies and that we can dress in anything, I cheered so loud, I'm pretty sure I woke up my younger brother Karl.

"Laura, hältst du bitte den Mund, während ich versuche zu schlafen?", My brother Karl yelled out. (Translation: "Laura, will you please shut up while I'm trying to sleep?").

"Tut mir leid, Karl. Wachen Sie auch verdammt noch mal auf, Sie haben in etwa 20 Minuten Schule", I lie. (Translation: I'm sorry, Karl. Also wake the fuck up, you have school in about 20 minutes!).

After a while I decide on my outfit.


Laura's outfit:

I look at myself in the mirror in shock, I've always owned clothing like this but never gave myself time to wear them

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I look at myself in the mirror in shock, I've always owned clothing like this but never gave myself time to wear them.

Well school starts in 1h30min, I should get going.



Alex's POV

I groan as I wake up for school, I've never been so exhausted in my life, I get up and shower and do my skincare and just wet my hair.

I remember last night's events and couldn't stop thinking about the way Laura looked at the Pizza shop. I just wanted to thrust my cock inside of her.

Fuck, What am I thinking, I can't say that she's the nerd and she's Ann's best friend.....

Well i'm in deepshit.

Alex's outfit:

I took my bag and headed out, Ann had left 20 minutes ago to go meet Laura early I guess

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I took my bag and headed out, Ann had left 20 minutes ago to go meet Laura early I guess.

I get to school to get greeted by my best friend Max.

"Yo Yo Yo, It's Max in The housseeee make some noise", Max say's energetic.

"Do you ever shut the fuck up, its 6 in the morning!", I said annoyingly.

"Ha ha, your're funny", Max says sarcastically, "By the way bro, did you see how Laura the nerd, dressed? If not, I'd smash! like ain't no way!", Max says and I widen my eyes slowly.

I walk away from Max and approach Ann, only for my eyes to meet a sexy-curvy figue. Shit what happened to the old baggy ass shit

"Alex, hi", Ann says looking like she's an innocent angel, I dont realise shes speaking out when she hits my on my shoulder, "Brother no, don't look at my bestie like that, go find you someone else, cause you ain't taking my bestie", I scoff.

"Chill, I just wanted to come say Hi", I say. "Hi to me or my twins?", Laura says smirking. I blush a little.


"Don't take it personal buddy, but I'm sure you can find somebody to satisfy your uhm needs", Laura says while her eyes are widen looking down at the bulge in my pants.

I walk away embarrassed, and then I hear something which makes me stop in my tracks.


Well thats enough writing for nowww.....Lol sorry for the cliffhanger but uhm yeah!!

For all my Lalex or Aluara lovers, Slayy!

-Love you all


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