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Laura's POV

"Alex, I think i'm ready...", I say confidently. Yep, Today is that day!, I will be losing my virginity to the one and only Alex De Luca-Marino. Okay maybe I should stop thinking about it otherwise, I'm going to end up saying something out load.

"Ready for what?", Alex says back to me confused. "You know, to have sex with you......", I blurt out, blushing.

"Fuck Laura, thats a big step, don't you think", Alex says and I'm starting to regret saying anything.

"You know what, forget it Alex, maybe that vibrator can satisfy me!", I say without thinking, before Alex pulls me into a kiss; A deep-rough dominate one.

Fuck, I've never felt so turned on before. "Alex wait......Fuck.....wait", I say. "What is it babygirl", Alex says confusely looking around. "Karl is here I think", I say nervously.

Then it hit me, OMGGG KARL IS HAVING A MAKEOUT SESSION WITH ANNA!!!!, "OMG ALEX", I whisper-yell. "What", He looks at me still confused. "Karl and Anna, they are making out an-", Before I could finish my sentence, Alex and I start hearing groaning and moaning sounds.

Alex then looks confused for 3 minutes then it hits him. "Babe, I think Ann and Karl are doing IT", He says angry.

"Awww babe, lets not ruin it,", I say, I was once again interrupted by some loud moaning, "FUCK KARL", Anna moans loudly. "Nuh-uh, Alex lets go!", I say and Alex nods his head trying to control himself.

Laura's outfit:

Laura's outfit:

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Alex's outfit:

Alex and I rush to Karl's bedroom and I furiously knock on the door

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Alex and I rush to Karl's bedroom and I furiously knock on the door. "KARL OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!", I yell and you can hear the nervousness in my voice. We then hear small panicking mumbles.

"KARL, IM GIVING YOU 7 MINUTES", Alex says and then the door opens to reveal shirtless Karl

Karl's outfit:

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