15-Breakfast in Bed

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Laura's POV

Today I woke up feeling very sore, My legs were on fire. As I open my eyes, I'm greeted by a handsome shirtless Alex with a tray full of his professional omelette and my favourite blueberry smoothie.

"Morning beautiful", he says and I blush, I brush my teeth, despite the pain in my legs. I then start eating and he comes back sitting on the bed eating some salty crackers.

"So, how did you find last night", I ask awkwardly and he laughs, "Hot honestly, especially the leash thing", he says looking at me and winking, I blush at this and I say, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it". Then Anna messages me.


Hey Laura, I really need help! Message me back when you can!


Hello Anna, What's up?


Laura, im scared. When me and Karl did it, he didn't pull out and lately, I've been feeling nauseous....Don't tell Alex, please he will kill Karl.


I gasp (scared) at this and Alex looks at me curious, "Babe what happened?", he asks and I look at him scared. "Nothing, it's just A-Anna", I say and he still looks confused.

"What did she say, to make you look so scared?", He says and I nod my head, "Nothing, don't you worry", I say fake smiling, I think he noticed this and shrugged.

(Time Skip to when Anna and Karl arrive home)

"Damn, smells like sex in here", Karl says scrunching his nose. "Karl everything smellls like sex to you these days", I say. He then laughs and then I look at Anna, and shes wearing an oversized top.

Anna-Joy's outfit:

Anna waves at me and I motion her to the kitchen

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Anna waves at me and I motion her to the kitchen. "Hey girl, what's up", I say to lighten the mood and the next 2 words she says, freaks me out.

"I'm pregnant", she says bursting into tears.

"OMG, Anna no no it's okay", I say hugging her. OMG I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT! YESSSS, I say in my head feeling so happy for her. "But Laura, I'm only 16 and I don't want Karl to leave me, What if Alex kills him", she says crying. "Hey, hey, i'm here for you.......I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU", I say forgetting the boys are home!

"Shhhh please", She says and I mouth sorry. "How did you find out", I say curious. "I missed my period it was supposed to happen like 3 days ago and I had extra pregnancy test from like a few months back just in cause and I took one and boom it said i'm like pregnant", She says in a happy voice, wiping her tears.

"Well lucky you, Karls birthday is in like a month so we could go baby shopping together later and also we could get you new oversized clothing", I say and she hugs me, "Thank Lou, you the best!", She says and I smile at the nickname she gave me, when we first met.

We go down to the boys to not get them worried. They both look at us and Alex sees Anna's bushy eyes. "What happened Anna", he asks and Karl nods.

"None of your business, dipshit", she says and I laugh showing her what I saved Alex as, she laughs loud and Alex pouts.

"Lets go get ice cream, It's on me", Alex says and what Karl says makes me choke on my saliva, "Damn did Laura make you feel extra good". "Shut up Karl", I say smacking the back of his head and Anna bursts laughing.

We arrive at 'Sade's Ice-Cream Parlour', I order a chocolate chip ice cream obviously in a small bowl. Alex got a basic vanilla-sparkle ice cream, Karl got a lunchbar ice cream, and I'm pretty sure Anna got the 5star crunchie ice cream but she kept taking from all of ours. I don't blame her.

"Babe, are you okay?", Karl says before kissing Anna's forehead. "Mhm", she nods. I smile at her and the atmosphere gets awkward. "So Anna, hows Ethan", Alex mentions and Karl and I get confused. "Alex, can you like not mention him?, I swear I hate when you mention him", Anna says before walking to the passage pissed, but I could see tears. "What the fuck Alex?!", I say before pushing him and he looks like hes curious. People now had their eyes on us.

I run after Anna and find her hiding i n the little corner. "Anna, Its me", I say and she looks at me and hugs me in hurry. "Lou, I think I owe you an explaination, but first lets go back to the others so I could explain to everyone else", she says before washing her face and hands, Anna was never a makeup-girl, she was naturally beautiful.

We go back and Alex apologieses and Anna just ignores him. She then begins to explain.


I don't really feel this chapter!



(826 words)

-Love you all


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