Chapter 1: A world of Supernatural

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I admit, this wasn't exactly how I expected to go out.

Now I won't say I am particularly angry or sad at the way I went out. Sure I wouldn't exactly rank it in the 10 ways I wanted to go out and it was really painful but it was kinda humorous in a way. Or that might be my way of coping with things who knows.

Of course, I am pissed off at the fact that I DID die. Who wouldn't be? I wanted to stay alive like any other bastard out there. I wanted to scream, break down a wall with my bare hands and cry out at the injustice.

Well, that was 10 hours ago.

I have been stuck in this kaleidoscopic purgatory for 10 hours now, give or take.

It is, exceptionally, boring and it hurts my eyes. But being stuck in the middle of a kaleidoscope with the only noise you hear being the occasional dragon roar for reasons my fragile human mind will not even begin to try and comprehend to preserve my sanity has allowed me to reflect on my life.

One might ask, "You handsome bastard, how did you end up here?" well luckily for you I already have an explanation.

I was delivered to God's doorstep, express shipping via pipebomb.

That's right, I had no glorious death, nothing like heroically wrestling a gun from a robber to save people before getting shot and succumbing to your wounds. I didn't push a child out of a speeding truck's way. I didn't go out in a blaze of glory while taking out my enemies. Not even getting slammed by an 18-wheeler isekai style.

Nope. Some particularly vengeful bastard left a pipebomb at my doorstep.

A particularly sad and pathetic death, fitting I guess.

At least it feels gratifying knowing that I managed to piss someone off so much to the point they resorted to mailing me to the afterlife with a pipebomb of all things.

I mean come on, I at least deserved dynamite or grenade.

Well, regardless of the method of delivery it didn't change that I was in this hell.

Or whatever this place was, maybe I could be in a hospital room bleeding out who knows? I could be so pumped up with drugs that I am freaking out right now.

No, that doesn't seem likely, you don't survive a pipe bomb at that range and expect to make it to the hospital. I had enough holes in me after that to make a bee's nest jealous.

So this must be the afterlife, honestly, I expected something more.

Was I someone deserving of the pearly gates treatment? That's up for debate. Sure I wasn't really someone evil but at the same time, I was never someone particularly morally sound.

While I didn't expect to be thrown into the boiler room with the key kicked away I didn't have the keys to the pearly gates on me either.

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