Chapter 4: Transmutation

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Turns out, there is a cooking skill in this system.

[Cooking(Novice) Lv.1]

Your skill in cooking and preparing food. The higher the level the more complex recipes are available to you and the better food you create.

I noticed this after making myself 4 eggs and sausages(I was absolutely famished and I would need the protein), right after I finished cooking it I got the notification that I created the skill and felt myself get better at cooking. I will have to grind that later, imagine making a dragon soup or... potion, there is a lot of overlap between the two.

After stuffing my stomach it was finally time to leave my man cave and experience the fresh air, touch the grass, smell the air and all that jazz.

I put on a suitable tracksuit and got out of my house, It was time to get MAD MUSCLES. I want to see how far I can push this body to its limits and if my recovery theory works. If it works then I can get a good level of fitness relatively fast. If it doesn't its back to the drawing board.

Exiting the house I felt fresh air hit me like a wall after staying for hours in my man cave(Alchemists lab). I honestly have to say, Kuoh is a beautiful little town. It's actually a little exciting considering I have lived most of my life in basically downtown Shitsville.

I guess it will be fun touring around too, this will help me get used to the town layout as well. Anyway, I started running, making sure to note every building I passed by.

Running in a body that was not used to running was... not very fun.

5 minutes into my run I was already panting like a dog in heat, my lungs burnt and my legs hurt. My knees were weak and my arms were heavy, I could picture my mom's spaghetti already.

Feeling myself get close to puking I found the nearest bench and sat down and sighed in relief as every single muscle in my body ached like hell. Giving myself a few moments of reprieve I took out two bottles from my bag. One light red and the other light green.

In theory, this should massively improve my physical training. It was now time to put that theory to the test.

I first downed the regeneration potion, it tasted like strawberry tea, immediately I noticed the soreness of my muscles quickly getting better. Then I downed the stamina regeneration potion it tasted like very sugary water, this time I felt myself quickly catching my breath and my body more energized.

In just a few seconds I was ready to take off running again. And so I did.


God, I fucking hate myself.

Or more so I hate how stubborn I am. I ran until I felt like I was about to fall over, then I took a rest, then I resumed running, and rinse and repeat.

Fun fact! The regeneration potions don't last forever!

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