Three Years Younger

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Author's Note: This was my favorite chapter to write because I'm sick and twisted. Enjoy!


Three Years Younger

("Dust Bowl Dance" by Mumford and Sons)

Even now, a few weeks later, she was haunted by her father's words. She had come to terms with losing her mother long ago, but her mind refused to accept losing her father too.

"Ms. O'Reily! Are you even watching the movie?" Janelle, one of her students, shrieked.

"Don't worry, I've seen this movie too many times to count." Hunter responded with a soft smile. She had put a Disney movie on, Anastasia. It was her and her mother's favorite Disney movie. Hunter remembered when her mom would sneak her into the classroom, so she could watch the movie.

"You've seen this movie more than once?" Alex, another one of her third graders, asked in disbelief.

"I haven't seen many movies, but I've seen this movie a lot." She answered with a laugh. On the Ark, movies were a rarity. Only members of the Council and their families got screens for their homes. That's why they got to watch more movies. Teachers didn't get screens, but their classrooms did. They also had to request to show movies to their classes.

A way of censorship? Hunter thought so. Most likely to keep the desire to see Earth to a minimum. However, movie nights for the entire Ark were held in the cafeteria twice a month, and that seemed to be enough for the people.

"Have a nice day!" Hunter exclaimed and waved goodbye to her class as their parents came to pick them up. She straightened up her classroom while listening to quiet music, trying to keep herself busy.

~ ~ ~

("Coming Undone" by Korn)

Walking through the corridor toward her home, she thought about her dad. How could he just leave her? She understood that he loved her mother, but what about her; what about his daughter? How could he even think about leaving her the same time as her mother.

Why did it feel like he rejected her? Hunter's eyes filled with tears as she thought he didn't love her as much as her mother. She was mourning his death before he even died, mourning over his choice that wasn't her.

Hunter was shaken out of her thoughts when she saw her father approaching. Then she noticed the handcuffs. Handcuffs?

"Excuse me! What is going on? What could my father have possibly done?" She asked the guard, outraged at the sight before her.

"Honey, it's okay." Her father told her, trying to make it clear that she should not involve herself.

She didn't care. "What did he do? What are his supposed crimes?" She glared at the guard.

"I caught him stealing medicine, Miss." He answered her. He was young, still had his baby face, but tried to cover it up with scruff. His pale face didn't go well with his dark hair, it made him look strangely like a vampire. He was close to Hunter in age, maybe a few years older.

Hunter was livid. Her father wouldn't do that! He was an honest man, always followed the rules. And why would he steal medicine? They didn't even know what kinds of medicines would help her mother!

"Is this your first arrest, Sir? Because he clearly didn't do it! He wouldn't do something like this and you can ask anyone. This is completely ridiculous; I demand to speak to someone of a higher rank than you." She spoke quickly with a sharp tongue, pointing an accusatory finger toward the guard.

Her eyes met with her father's. She felt sick when she saw the guilt etched into his wrinkles. He did steal from the medical wing. He was pleading with his eyes that she would just leave, just go home. She ignored her realization, choosing him, choosing to protect him.

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