Turning Point

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("Just in Time" by Dean Martin.)

Sh*t's about to go down.  But!  Don't worry, I'll be here to catch you if you fall! 

Anyway! Share, comment, and vote!  Thanks for reading! 


Hunter took a deep breath, trying to focus all of her energy on the burning of her arm and back.  She needed to distract herself from the fact that she couldn't breathe.  The mist burnt her skin away, leaving angry, bubbling wounds.  

Her heart was beating wildly in her chest and her throat felt like it was on fire.  She began to panic, feeling like she was going to die.  

'You're not actually dying.  Knock it off!' She thought to herself and squeezed her eyes shut.  Her brain was screaming for air and something inside her told her to focus on her mom.  She instinctively began to hum "Once Upon a December".  Her chest began to feel lighter.  She was able to swallow the hot coal that was lodged in her throat as well. 

She was panting, her breaths and heart beat slowing down.  She relaxed when the last bit of her panic subsided.  

"Damn." She sighed when exhaustion hit her like a bag of bricks.  

A small bag appeared in front of her face, startling her.  She looked up at Bellamy.  

"Berries?"  He asked and sat down next to her.  She audibly swallowed her nerves, but accepted the bag.  He didn't say anything which was nice.  She didn't have to lie to him and tell him she was fine.  She wasn't fine; her skin hurt, her legs were already sore, and her lungs ached.  She didn't even want to begin to explain how frazzled her emotions were.  "Let's clean the wounds." He suggested and grasped her good arm.  

She did what he said, shivering at the contact of his hand.  Her brows knitted together as warmth bloomed in her chest.  She turned so he had better access to the back of her arm and hissed when he poured water over it.  He ignored the fact that she was shaking.  Hunter's eyes darted to the sleeping form of Charlotte and then her eyes ran over Bellamy's face in a subtle manner.  She sucked her lip into her mouth as his jaw clenched in concentration.  His eyes suddenly connected with hers, startling her, and she flinched away from him.

"Sorry," He murmured to her, thinking he hurt her arm.  She nodded in response, clearing her throat.  He ripped a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around her left arm's biceps.   "I need to get your back..." He spoke carefully.

She blanched when she realized she would have to lift her shirt.  He observed quietly as her small hands grabbed the end of her shirt and lifted it away from her back.  She let out a grunt when the it stuck to her skin.  Her teeth were gritted so hard, her teeth might break.

He poured the cold water over her back.  She let out a yelp and squeezed the nearest object hard.  When the pain subsided, she realized it was his hand.  Her breath trembled.  Her eyes glanced at his face and widened when she noticed he was staring at her.  His fingers twitched against her hand and she let go, mumbling an apology.  He had an urge to grab her shaking hand in his and just hold it, but he resisted.  

He gently pulled her shirt back down, purposely letting his fingers run over her skin.  She visibly shivered.  They both sat back, she was careful not to lean against her raw skin.  

"I hate it here," She laughed sarcastically after a moment of silence.  "I hate not knowing what's happening or what to do.  I hate not having structure."  

Bellamy gave a hum in agreement.  

"I miss the Ark, even if we were on the bottom." She said.  She agreed with him on that.  The Ark treated them like crap, not giving them anything in return for all the hard work they had done.  

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