I'm With You

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Hi, again! 

"This Means War" by Avenge Sevenfold

GUYS, Lincoln and Octavia literally make my heart sing.  He's literally hot as hell, like please stop.  Kill me.  I mean, look at him.  How could you disagree?  You can't. 



Hunter groaned as Octavia tightened the wrapping on her knee.  The young girl seemed to be taking out all of her frustrations on Hunter's leg.

"Octavia, you know he didn't mean it." She tried to convince her friend.

"Hunter, I was there. He said it loud and clear. Bellamy said and I quote, "My life ended the day you were born." Yeah, well, I wish I hadn't been born, how's that?" The girl rambled, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey, stop that." Hunter pulled her into a hug, ignoring the strain it put on her leg.

She allowed Hunter to hold her for a minute or two, feeling comforted by the older girl. "You smell so bad." Octavia laughed, trying to pull away.

Hunter held her closer, a grin breaking out on her face. "Oh yeah?" She teased and pushed the girl toward her armpit.

"Ew, gross." Octavia chuckled and pushed her away. 

A loud crack of thunder had both of the girls becoming somber again.

"Should we check on everyone?" Hunter asked, hoping the girl would say no.


Hunter didn't want to face Raven or look at Finn.  She felt guilty, for what, she didn't know.  But it was still pressing down firmly on her shoulders. 

"What's happening?" Hunter asked, pushing through a crowd that gathered around Raven. 

"Mom, he's dying.  The knife is still in his chest." Clarke was explaining, her voice showing just how serious the situation was.

"They're talking to the Ark?" Hunter laughed, her heart soaring happily. 

"Clarke," She heard Jaha say, "Is my son with you?"

She swallowed audibly, her bottom lip beginning to quiver.  She pushed Clarke back before she could answer him.  Her head hung in shame; she had failed him. 

"Jaha, it's Hunter." She spoke quietly.  A firm, invisible hand was squeezing her neck, making it near impossible to speak. 

"Hunter," He gave a laugh, happy to hear her voice.  Raven bumped her with her elbow, motioning for her to sit in the chair.  "Hunter, how's my son?  Where is he?"

"Jaha, I-I'm so sorry," She whispered, running her hand through her hair. 

"Sorry, sorry for what, Hunter?"

"He's dead.  Wells is dead.  I'm so sorry, I failed you." She clenched her jaw to keep from crying. 

There was a long pause and Abby's voice came over the radio, static breaking up their conversation.  "Hunter, I need to speak to Clarke."

She got up without a word, letting Clarke speak to her mom about how to help Finn. 
Thoughts rushed through her head, she felt like she was going to break, snap at any moment.
"Octavia, I need you to get something to clean with." Clarke asked her.

"Water?" Octavia asked, her eyebrows screwed together. 

"Try Monty's Moonshine," Hunter advised her, "Clarke, what can I do?"

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