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Look how sarcastic he is! XD  

He's such a dick in season one ugh.  

Anyway, read and enjoy!  Don't forget to share and vote!  

I had "Bittersweet" by Panic! at the Disco in mind.  But I think we can do better than that, so please comment song suggestions!  


"I was laying in his bed, Monty.  That's so not okay!  Can you imagine how many girls have been... Oh, God."  Hunter was gagging loudly, being the drama queen her mother always said she was. 

"Hunter, he was trying to help," Monty sighed, looking over at Jasper again.  "He forced Clarke to check you over.  Twice."  

"Well, I didn't ask him to do that." Hunter rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.  "How is he?" 

"Not good.  He hasn't been able to shake this fever, so they went out to find whatever the poultice was made out of."  His sullen expression was enough to make her want to hug him.  

Hunter crouched down next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Listen, Monty, he's going to get better.  Clarke will help him." 

"And if she can't?"  His voice breaking.  He looked up at her with a crestfallen expression, hoping that she would give him more hope. 

"We'll worry about that when the time comes." She spoke softly to him, giving his shoulder a squeeze.  Then she thought about food and her stomach growled, her legs beginning to feel like jelly.  

"You've been out for a while, you should go eat." He gave a laugh when he heard her stomach try to talk to him again.  

"You sure? because I can stay." Her eyes glanced over Jasper's shivering body and she decided she would stay. 

"Hunter, your stomach is going to eat itself and you look pale, please, I'll be fine."  He pushed her toward the hatch door.  

"Fine, fine, I'm going."  She put her hands up in surrender and backed away.  

Hunter sang softly to herself as she walked, her legs feeling extremely weak.  The heat of the summer weighing down on her.  Her hands began to shake and her skin grew clammy.  

"Here." Bellamy growled at her and pushed water into her hands.  She almost growled back, but she bit her tongue and thanked him.  "And eat this." He took something from his pocket and forced it into her hand.  

"Bellamy!" Atom exclaimed from behind him. 

"Atom, I told you that we would go hunting later." He all but snarled at the boy.  

"Can you quit being so rude to him!" Octavia was suddenly beside Hunter with her arms crossed in defiance.  

"I told him to watch you, not kiss you, O." Bellamy's eyes blazed with frustration and under that was concern.  

"I wanted him to kiss me!" She stomped her foot like a child and stalked away. 

"Octavia!" Bellamy called after her. 

"Let her go, she just needs some time." Hunter shook her head, smiling after Octavia. 

"She's my little sister." 

"I know," She nodded, being sarcastic.  "She has a crush, probably her first one since she's been locked up, she'll get over it." 

"They kissed!" He scoffed in disbelief. 

"I know!" She laughed.  His eyes were wide with frustration.  "You are such a control freak that you can't even see what's actually happening.  She's rebelling.  You just got her back and you're acting like you can control every aspect of her life already, she hates it and quite frankly, so do I.  Just lay off, giver her some space." 

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