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Late, I know, but at least it's up!  

"Falling Away From Me" by Korn 



"Bell," Hunter whispered.  He was sitting by the fire, wringing his hands out like a towel.  He looked up at her, watching as she nervously bit the inside of her cheek.  What happened to her?  Why did she seem so different lately?

He stayed quite, watching her as she sat down next to him.  She let her hair fall in her face and he held back from putting the strand behind her ear. 

"What's the matter?" He sighed. 

"Are you alright?" The question seemed to burst from her throat.  It landed right in their laps, and made the air heavy.  An almost awkward silence settled over them. 

Bellamy cleared his throat, "Hunter, I'm fine."

"You just look..." She trailed off, rubbing her hands against her pants.  If she was being honest, he looked exhausted and run down.

"I'm just tired, Hunter." He sighed, feeling annoyance begin to prick at his skin.

She was silent. She didn't know what to say to him. She was getting frustrated that he was getting frustrated. She sighed. She didn't have a right to be frustrated; he did shoot Jaha and then his sister found out and she wasn't talking to him... Hunter cocked her head to the side in thought.

"Have you seen Octavia?" She asked with her eyebrows drawn together.

His eyebrows scrunched together as well, and he slowly turned to look at Hunter. He tried to remember if he had seen her moping in the shadows.

The two of them stood up at the same time.

"I'll look." She said and he nodded, not even able to think of something to say.

"Please don't do this to me again..." Hunter begged softly, looking toward the sky.  She didn't know if she would be able to handle another loss, especially Octavia.  "Has anyone seen Octavia?" She asked quietly to a few people, growing even more worried when each of them answered with a 'no'.

"Find her?" Bellamy asked, not looking at Hunter, but all around them. 

"No.  Bell..." Her heart was beating out of her chest.  She was terrified. 

"Don't say it." He commanded.  

They seemed to think the same thing at the same time.  "Let's get everyone..." They both began.  Hunter sighed and Bellamy nodded, jogging into a tent that held all of their weapons.  

Hunter jogged into her tent and packed a bag quickly; water, gauze, little bit of food.  Octavia had been out there for more than half the day, she would be weak.  She heard Bellamy explaining the situation to the camp and she clenched her jaw.

"Finn, Hunter, we're leaving!" Bellamy called, his voice getting farther away. 

Hunter huffed in annoyance; he was going into this too rashly.  She trotted to the front where he was.  "Bellamy, we need a plan.  We can't just go out there and expect to find her." She whispered, not wanting anyone else to question him.  Only she was allowed to do that.  

Before he could respond, some of the teenagers were exclaiming about how beautiful the sky was.  Hunter looked up and gasped, knowing exactly what it was.  

"It didn't work." Clarke spoke quietly.  

"A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy nearly scoffed. 

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