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Quick chapter to hold you guys over.  I don't know when the next time I'll be able to put out another chapter will be; school is starting again for me.  Ew.  Look at the pretty Octavia, she's so hot wtf.  She makes me want to kms ugh, crying :')

ANYWAY, thanks for reading!  Please enjoy!  Share, comment and vote.  (One of these days, some of you will.) 

("Threat Level Midnight" by Neck Deep)


"Her fever is high, Bellamy," Clarke whispered to him. "I'm not sure if she's actually sick or..."

"Or if she's just grieving." Bellamy finished for her, rubbing his chin in thought. Clarke nodded. They were looking at Hunter's shivering figure. "Her knee?" He asked, wondering if she had hurt it more when she ran with him.

"Just a bad sprain. Try getting her to eat something." Clarke suggested before leaving Bellamy's tent.

Clarke came back to check on her every few hours, always saying the same thing.  He bit his lip and watched as Hunter's eyes flickered behind her eyelids. She muttered something, chest beginning to heave. He took cautious steps toward her, unsure what he should do. "Okay..." He murmured, stroking her hair to wake her. "You're okay."

Her eyes fluttered open, tears immediately pooling in them. "Charlotte?" She asked quietly. Was it real? Did it actually happen?

His heart dropped, "I'm sorry." She took a loud, shaky breath and another one, and then another. "What do you need me to do? What should I do, Hunter?" He asked her, sitting on his bed beside her.

She grasped his hand tightly. "Please, just stay. Don't go." She tugged him closer to her.

"I'm not going to." He assured her quietly, laying down beside her.

He was growing attached to this girl, beginning to wonder if it was more than just attraction. He knew he shouldn't get attached, he couldn't risk her finding out what he had done. Besides, she would never allow him to make any moves on her.


While she was asleep, Bellamy walked around camp, checking to make sure people were doing their jobs. After Charlotte's death, Bellamy and Clarke explained to the camp that they decided to banish Murphy. They all seemed to understand why it had to be done. Clarke made sure to preach about how different the Earth and the Ark were, saying that they didn't have a right to decide who should live or die. Bellamy unhappily agreed with her, thinking that maybe Charlotte would still be alive if that was said before the whole "float Murphy" thing.

Bellamy stared at the tent Hunter and Charlotte had shared, thinking of the little girl the camp had lost. He hoped Hunter would be able to recuperate from this. She just seemed so broken, so lost.

He knew what she was thinking, that she had failed the kids again. How many more people could they lose before she just...

From the corner of his eye, he saw Octavia enter his tent. He jogged after her, hoping Hunter was still asleep. She was.

"O, what are you doing?" He asked her quietly.

"She hasn't eaten in three days, Bell." Octavia said as if it was obvious. She sat on the bed forcefully, causing Hunter's body to jerk forward.

"Easy!" Bellamy exclaimed. Octavia just rolled her eyes in response.

"Eat." She commanded, shoving the food under Hunter's nose. "Now."

Hunter rolled over, her back facing them. Octavia grabbed her shoulder and yanked her onto her back. Bellamy just watched the two of them interact.

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