★~ Aquarium date ft. Wriothesley

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notes: this takes place in modern AU!

- aquarium date with wrio wont be that often, it is a pretty big date and he's often busy with work! but ofcourse he lets his darling pick any date for the weekend.
- you both love admiring and talking about opinions on the sea creature. he would always have his arm around your waist or shoulder.
- i feel like he would LOVE stringrays! he would definitely love xingu river ray (or you could say polkadot ray hehe) and perhaps he would love tiger shark too!
- you both will get those matching crab, octopus or sea turtle headbands! he would be a bit shy wearing it at first but whenever he does anything with you, he's always full of joy.
- you would definitely watch sea animal shows together! i'd say his favourite is the orca one, he even took a picture with them! most people will take the front seat but wrio prefers the middle row seat, he doesn't want to get wet by the splashing..
- at the touch pool area, i would say he loves touching the starfish and stingray! he secretly wants a stingray but.. yeah...
- you both will eat at the penguin restaurant! you can feed penguins there and eat with them! (wrio thinks if you'll have a date here, the penguin will steal your attention).

- you will also buy those matching sea turtle/shark/dolphin/seahorse/stingray bracelet! he's still wearing it until now.
- he keeps the pictures he got from the date and display it at his office. his favourite is the one where you were holding an otter while he was feeding it when a pelican got on top of his head. he always grins at the thought of it again.

~ smal drabble ~
a squeak from the otter was heard, you were holding it in your arms as wrio was giving it some fish. "it wants more, wrio!" you chuckled seeing the otter eats its fish with joy. the staff got ready to take a picture of the cute scene in front.
"look at the camera! 1, 2, 3 cheese!" "cheeseeeee!" "chee-ow!" a click from the camera was heard before you could do anything else. after a click of flash, you looked wriothesley confusingly "what's wrong, darling?", the otter in your arms were also cofused. "T-THERES SOMETHING ON MY HEAD!" you failed to notice the pelican on his head, but as you did you giggled while watching wrio getting all tensed up. "maybe he likes you!" you continued giggling. "y/ nnn this is not funnyy!" the otter in your arms looked as confusing as ever as the pelican sets foot on the bench you were sitting on and sniffed wrio's hand. just then you understand what was happening "oh! the pelican wants some fish too!" "o-oh." he looks at the pelican oddly and gives him a fish. the pelican flew away after so, and you both giggled at it. the staff watching this feels no worry as long as their tourists are happy.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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