★~ Words and doodles! (Xiao, Neuvillete, Alhaitham, Wriothesley)

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a/n: here's another request from an anonymous on tumblr! here's their idea:

a/n: here's another request from an anonymous on tumblr! here's their idea:

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★~ Xiao: you accidentally bumped on him while rushing to get the new limited edition sticker collection! he'll be quite grumpy but he doesn't really care about it anyway (mehhh). "oh! sorry sir, here you could have this doodle i did earlier! byebye!" you gave him a sticker as an apologize. he only stood there, not knowing what to say. the second time you met eachother is when he was strolling around at a park and you were doodling and writing in your diary. he noticed you but he pays no mind. but ofcourse, you noticed him and walked to him. you were very sorry for that incident so why not offer him a doodle? "hey, sir! i'm really sorry for our past events. as an apology... let me doodle you!" "uh..i- um.. sure?" he was quite confused ofcourse. but after 5 minutes he was happy to see your doodle of him smiling and not have a grumpy face.

★~ Neuvillette: he was you wondering through fontaine a couple of times always holding that precious diary of yours. he was going to work, he stumbled upon a familiar diary. as he thought of it again, he remembered you. he bet you were looking all over fontaine for your diary. he took it and took a great peek inside. he saw your variations of doodles and writings. he was amazed by your style, well he's never seen something like this on the newspaper. as he continued walking, he saw you asking everyone in the street about your missing diary. then, it was his turn to be asked "hello, chief of justice! have you seen a diary that i always carry around? please tell me you've seen it!". your worried expression faded as he pulled out your diary. "i believe this is what you're talking about?" he handed you the diary. "yes! thankyou sir! thankyou thankyou! how can i repay you?" you took the notebook and hold it close.
"well.. i took a peek of your diary and your writing amazed me. perhaps you could write a biography of me?" "ofcourse! i'd be happy to". you wrote him a biography and made some doodles of him. he was delighted to see the results. he'll be sure to hire you as his assistant someday.

★~ Alhaitham: he'll be.. i guess pretty interested in a girl always bringing around her diary? well, he does like books and writing. as you were exploring sumeru city, a page from your diary fell. al-haitham was the first one to notice. he took it and read the page about your day with a doodle of a spinocrocodile. he tought, perhaps you could be a journalist. he catched up to you and gave you the missing page of your diary. you thanked him and he told you to maybe publish a story in a diary-a-like style about your day that someone will enjoy if you don't understand, search up marcy's journal from amphibia). you thought of the idea and perhaps you should. "well, if you need any help, just find me" he said before he walked away. some weeks later, you passed by him again and took the chance to ask something "h-hey! uh- sir al-haitham, could i ask you something?" "go ahead, i guess it's about the diary book?" "yes! yes it is". he invited you for lunch at a café and you asked him multiple questions that he was happy to answer. as time pass, you finished your book with his help and published it. the citizens loved it ofcourse! now, he's like your mentor. he helped you in any problem you had.

★~ Wriothesley: he would catch you writing in your diary and scribbling doodles with sigewinne every thurday afternoon. sigewinne told him about you too, how you both like to write down what happened in your day and doodle some random things. he was glad that sigewinne was having fun with a friend, it catched his interest. the next time he saw you with sigewinne, he decided to join in. "hey! having a lovely afternoon?" "oh! hello, duke! are you sigewinne's friend? she told me about you". he chuckled at your sunny and cheerful personality "yes that is correct, what are you both writing?" "oh we're writing how our day went." sigewinne decided to join in the conversation. he looked to the doodles and writing you both made- and certainly he approved that it is adorable. "hey y/n we should make stickers for the duke!" "oh? you'll let me do that? awesome!" you and sigewinne started to doodle for the stickers. oh well, i guess wriothesley will have 2x more stickers around his office or in random

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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