★~ Lyney headcanons pt.2!

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- the first time he saw you was at one of his show. when you both locked eyes together he stared at you in awe but you didn't notice anything and break the eye contact.
- maybe.. sometimes.. he will include you in his show! so everyone will know that you're his and he is yours.
- your first date was a dinner date. he gave you flowers by doing one of his cool magic tricks!
- well- if you're living with him. you'll see him doing his magic tricks on repeat! you'll probably get bored of it soon but know he has a way to intertain you...)
- if lyney loves you, lynette and freminet will too! you will sometime take freminet from his diving lesson and have tea party with lynette!
- lyney likes to cuddle, duhh! he loves your affection and in private he is pretty clingy. so don't be suprised when a human koala is clinging on to you when you wake up.
- he doesn't want anyone to take you away from him. you're his dearest and he will cherish you with all his heart.

small drabble ~
you woke up out of your slumber, feeling thirsty. you tried to move but you didn't know what made you stopped doing so. you turned your head to the left and saw your lovely boyfriend in his pyjamas clinging to you. you chuckled at this state and tried to carefully move from him, without waking him. but that didn't come to a fortunate luck, your boyfriend stirred in his slumber and opened his eyes. "y-y/n..? where are you goinggg?" he whined, clinging on to you again. "darling i just need to get a drink-" you looked at him while he was still clinging on to you. "nooo... stayy!" he whined again. basically begging for you to stay and not leave him. well.. he can be a bit dramatic but you didn't mind. "please? i promise after i'll get my drink you can cling to me as much as you want!" and with just a promise he nods his head and lets go of you. in the end, after you got your drink, he slumped on top of you. you didn't really mind as you couldn't do anything. he was already asleep. snoring quietly.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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