★~ Xiao Headcanons

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note!!: f/n = flower name

- almond tofu are a must! its now a part of your daily routine to make xiao atleast 1 of it everyday.
- if it's a gloomy day, you and xiao will stargaze at wangshu inn and talk about things that happened that day.
- you are his number 1 priority! whenever you call him, he will appear as fast as a lightning. he never gets late, especially if it's you who's calling.
- cuddles? i supose xiao is still warming up to lovey-dovey things like this. you got to make the first move cuz he aint gonna...
- every night when you sleep, he always watches you (not in a creepy way). making sure there's nothing dangerous and you're safe. you always scold him for it though, his excuses are always "im ok y/n. don't worry about me, adeptus doesn't need sleep".
- i don't think he will like pda but holding pinkies are okay. even though everyone knows you're dating, he's too shy to admit it.
- petnames: [your name], dove, dear, darling and some other random names such as my tofu and my star.

~ small drabble ~
you were walking around liyue, trying to find a flower for your dearest. you were too busy picking up a f/n when all of the sudden you heard screams coming from behind you. you were panicking as you look at the direction. it was a group of hilichurl coming your way. you didn't know what to do as you just got your vision and you haven't exactly learn how to use it. you tried running away from them but you didn't manage to get away from them. ofcourse you remembered your lovely boyfriend, but you didn't want to disturb him as he said he was going through an important mission. you decide to do your best using your vision. little did you know, xiao was watching you from afar. he stayed there for a minute, examining you. after he sees you starting to struggle, he rushed over you and hit the hilichurl with his spear. as he fighted the hilichurl you were just standing there watching him. you didn't exactly know what to do but you did pick up the flowers you've picked for him. he was fast as a racing car to defeat all the hilichurl, he then rushed to your side.

"y/n why didn't you call for me, my dove?" he asked, trying to stay as calm as possible, he didn't want anything happen to you. not a scratch will even pass it. "i-i thought you were busy love. i didn't want to disturb you.. im sorry" you apologised to him, looking down in embarrassment. "dove, even if im busy or not.. you're my number 1 priority. i couldnt let anything hurt you. please don't hesitate to call me next time. if it's you, then im always free" he said while reaching for your hand to caress it with his thumb. "i promise..." you replied. you reached from the flowers inside the basket and give it to xiao. "i was picking up flowers for you love. i hope you like it!" you said giving xiao the flowers happily. xiao just stared at the flowers. you thought something was wrong until he said "my dove. i.. i didn't expect you to go into this danger just to pick up some flowers for me... what did i ever do to deserve you." xiao looked to the left and right making sure noone is near you and he kissed you cheek. you can feel your cheeks heat up a bit. everytime he does something to you, you can't help but feel your cheeks getting warmer and warmer. "i love you, xiao." you kissed back his cheek. "i love you too, dove." xiao was still caressing your hand as you both enjoyed the silence of the nature.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡

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