★~ Wriothesley cuddle headcanon

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- i know he's definitely the bigspoon! he would wrap his hand around your waist as you burry your head on his chest. you would also give him kisses on the cheek and nose while doing so!
- but in a tiring or bad day, you would be the bigspoon. cuddling up this big boy while caressing his head and whispering soft words in his ears. he would burry his head on your shoulder or chest and you would feel a wet patch starting to form. that's when you notice what's happening.
- he could be cold in public. but if he's alone with you, he's like a happy puppy that has just got a treat. he would be pretty clingy i guess?
- when he comes home and you're waiting in the livingroom, he will pick you up and spin you around in joy. kissing your face all over and over again.
- he would be very snuggly when he really misses you.
- everytime he got a nightmare, his hold on you will be tighter. his worst fear is someone taking him away from you. he will admire your pretty face illuminated by the moonlight.
- do you guys think he purrs?

~ small drabble ~
it was late at night, today was a tiring day for wriothesley. you both were currently in bed with the covers shielding your body from the cold wind. you were caressing his hair while he burry his head on your chest. "there, there.. everything will be okay..." you whisper sweet words in his ear. hearing those words made his heart melt, he couldn't hold his tears. you could feel a wet patch on your shirt starting to form. you rub his back assuring him that everything is fine. "it's okay.. let it out..." he tried to quiet down his sobs, feeling weaker and weaker in your hold. after some minutes the crying came down and you made sure he's okay. you lifted his face from your chest and wipe all the remaining tears on his cheek. "wanna talk about it?" you asked him while caressing his cheek. he shakes his head in reponse. you nod your head again and continue cuddling him. in the end, it was a very warm night with your lover by your side.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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