★~ Streamer!venti headcanons!

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heyyy how's everyone doinggg? sorry for the messy schedule by the way, i was in a writers block and can't really figure out what you guys would like.. but i hope this is enough! so without further ado, please enjoyyyy!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

- streamer!venti who would play horror name 'just for fun' cuz he thinks he's brave enough to face the fear, yet he got goosebumps just by the title screen and background music.
- streamer!venti who loves pokémon and sonic the most. he has a full collection of their funko pop figures.
- streamer!venti who's got the famous and iconic squeal when he's excited.
- streamer!venti who often streams with his friend in aim to complete a horror game but they ended up chatting about how unicorns are fake and their delusions on them becoming a business man...
- streamer!venti who does those kawaii neko girl dances just for fun but ended up getting viral and teased for it.
- streamer!venti who always includes you to his stream, even if it's just you watching him or greeting chat.
- streamer!venti's chat who has been asking since ages a go if you guys are dating and even started to make a ship page about you both.

~ small drabble ~
"CHAT CHAT CHAT HELP MEEE HELP ME WHERE- WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE KEY- THE STUPID WAFFLELING KEY SHUTUP MONSTER SHUTUP YOU BIG POOPYHEADDDDDD" venti was screaming his lungs out by the horrors he got from the video game, not minding what could possibly happen if your neighbours have heard it. "shh venti quiet down! you're being too loud!" you opened the door quickly to shush venti down, remembering what happened by the last time when venti screamed in the middle of the night!"oh yeah- sorry! AAAAAAA OPEN THE DOOR OPEN THE DOOR-THE KEY WONT WORK STUPID KEY STUPID STUPID STUPIDDDD" he was too focused on the screen that he even forgot what you just said. "VENTI! i told you to quiet down!" this behaviour or venti was tiring but still, you stayed with him even if you can't have good rest. "oopsies.. sorry y/n i- sighs i was so close to reaching the end!" he was now devastated since the monster succeeded to catch him and slash him in the game. both of his hands were placed on his hair as his elbows were on the table. another defeat of another game that he was on the edge to finish. you noticed what happened by his expression and felt guilt drowning your emotions. "ah- sorry.. i disturbed you, didn't i?" you got closer to venti, patting his head in hope to cheer him up. "it's fine y/n.. it was my fault too.. i should've been more careful" he looked up to see you with shimmering eyes, a mix of devastation and guilt. meanwhile you both were comforting eachother, chat was going crazy by the more-than-friends contact!

ilovegummybear456: SHIPPPPP
elgatofan1267: AWWW THEY'RE SO CUTEEE
pizzaburritoslice: OMG VENTI X Y/N CONFIRMED???
wigllyjellyyyyyies: SHIP NAME RN????
pandalover02: THEY'RE LITERALLY CUDDLING?!?!!?!?!?!

and the rest were filling the chats with love emojis upon focusing on the screen again, you both were suddenly in a blushing mess as chat goes wild about this. neither of you were brave enough to speak so soon, but he finally did it. "so- shall we play pokémon shining pearl now?" he cleared his throat before saying and tried to move on to another topic, but chat resist and kept on spamming love emojis and teasings. "ughh guyss stop ittt! we're just roomatessss!" he whined to make them stop while you giggled at this. "well chat, time for me to go! oh and- dinner in 30 minutes, kay?" "okie dokie!" he shot you and thumbs up and went back into his stream. now chat was teasing about you taking care of him, feeding him, cooking for him.. well, goodluck for him to escape out of this naggings!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

TYSM FOR READINGGG! hope u all liked this one! please have a nice dayy!
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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