★~ Guard!wriothesley headcanons

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note!: royal AU, reader is written as a princess. warning; angst!

- guard!wriothesley who fell in love with you the first moment he laid eyes on you.
- guard!wriothesley who gives you extra treats from outside the kingdom. the ones you've never tried before.
- guard!wriothesley who listens to all your ramblings and calmed you down after your father shouted at you for being ridiculous, even though you were trying to help a homeless mom and her child.
- guard!wriothesley who makes flower crowns with you in the garden. he even gave you a bouquet of 6 roses on your birthday.
- guard!wriothesley who sneaks in to your room at night, giving you kisses while whispering sweet things in your ear.
- guard!wriothesley who 'accidentally' heard about your arrange marriage with another man.
- guard!wriothesley who watched you said your wedding vows to another man that's not him.

-small drabble~
you stormed off of the meeting room as riothesley pretended to not know about the meeting you had. "my lady, what's wrong?" he tried to calm you down by asking you softly. "i'm getting married" that's all what you said before you went into your room and lock the door. your heart broke by the news, but it was no worse than his. wriothesley spend the night in his room crying while holding a picture of you both that he sneakily got. the next day, he tried to act tough even though his eyes were red and puffy. but when he saw you, your eyes were the same. when you both got a private time, he asked you. "y/n? w-when will your wedding be?" "tomorrow" you said with a cold expression. neither of you wanted to talk about it but it's not a choice. "does this mean we... we're nothing anymore?" he asked while looking to your eyes. "i don't think we're the right one for eachother. i mean, you're a guard and i'm a princess.. forbidden love" you leave him alone in the garden while you head somewhere else. "or perhaps.. right person wrong time" he murmured. tomorrow will be the day he suffers the most as his heart aches and break into small pieces.

♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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