★~ A Popstar?! (Lyney)

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

it felt like it was just yesterday lyney confessed, and yet, next month will already be your 3rd year anniversary. what a love life. it's already been 3 years you've been dating him and he still doesn't know about your.. secret identity? yeah, it has been a long time but hasn't he heard of it, at least?

the atmosphere was quiet, noone in the room, noone in the house except you. your lover has gone out to "buy groceries" but man does it really need to take 3 hours? the clock was the sound that were present in the room. the continuously ticking of it markers the hands going through the number '11' and '12', telling that it was about to reach 11pm. you fight your eyes who's getting drowsy with each ticking of the clock. you refuse to sleep without your lover, you missed his presence.

out of boredom, you opened X and started scrolling, trying to find interesting stuffs of news that might keep you awake. but there were no such gripping thing for you to see, until you passed through a familiar video. "ngl but miss them, nostalgic memories for all of us" *1 video attachment* and by your suprise, the video was your past band having its first concert. you remembered that sweet memory, it was your first concert actually. it was not big nor that small, people were singing along the song. the video lasted a full minute, that's enough to catch a glimpse of everyone. soon, you saw your being standing in the corner with a glittering dress that stood out. but out of embarrassment you sped up the video, melting in the couch not knowing out of embarrassment or the feeling of longing that memory.

you re-tweeted the tweet that's supposedly booming. as you recalled all the memories again, you remembered you kept a box full of goodies from the band. you quickly got up to your feet, eagered to open the untouched box for years! making your way to the storage room, the room where you and lyney haven't agree to use it as one but by the room that are full of boxes, what else could the room be? scattering among the boxes that were more full of lyney's stuff, his old skateboards, his broken skate boards, and his childhood stuffs. something glittery was peeping out from the corner, you thought it was the box so you tiptoed there, going pass through boxes and boxes. when finally your hands got a grip of the box that's full of dust, "chérie i'm home!" was heard. tiptoeing back to the door, you put the box near the door to check on it later then made your way downstairs.

"you're back, finally!" he hugged you tightly and kissed the whole of your face. "what was taking you long?" he stood there, trying to come up with an answer "i- uh.. just got caught up with a friend of mine.. not that important" he looks nervous..? "are you suree?" you leaned on to his face a bit which made him nervous again… "you weren't in an illegal skateboard comp, were you…?" you're his only weakness, and to tell you lies were the last thing he wants. "um.. maybe.. but don't worry! i got home safely, seeeee?" oh lyney, what a jerk. "oh my pancakes lyney! i told you to never participate in one again, didn't i?" "y-yeah but-" "no buts. just go take a shower- you have dirt everywhere!" "y-yes mon chérie".

you rolled your eyes and got a hand of the bag that's filled with groceries. while waiting for him, you put the foods and stuffs to where it belongs. after approximately 15 minutes, you felt a hand creeping around your waist, "'m sorry mon chérie.." your lover laid his head on your shoulder, giving kisses near your ear. "i told you before to not participate in those sketchy stuffs, lyney…" you spared a glance at him, he looked like a puppy who got kicked out. "i know i know.. i'm sorry" "fine.. just- don't come home this late anymore" he nodded his head and gave you a kiss on the cheeks.

just then, lyney remembered something he wanted to show you, something he thinks will blow your mind. "ah love! i found something on X.." you were confused by what he's talking about "huh?" "look, look! the one right there looks just like you!" he showed the tweet that you re-tweeted earlier. yep, the one with you standing on the corner, which he was pointing at. you were somewhat startled with how lyney found the video, you never knew what could be on his X page now. "the-the hair- the eyes- the skin tone, it looks just like you! what a massive coincidence!" a giggle was what come out from you.

"well maybe cause it's not a coincidence" a confused look rushed over his face, making you giggle more. "wh-what? um.. you're not telling me you were a popstar before.. right?" that's when he finally realised, 5 years of being in contact with you and he just realised?! bro would be fired if he was a detective. "well.. you guessed it" "W-WHAT…" his jaw dropped wide open, his eyes were wide, processing what has happened. "took you long enough" you couldn't help but giggle at his wide opened jaw, as well as his shocked being.

"theres no way you were one! you're joking.. t-theres no was i've been dating a popstar!" his eyes which turned from a wide one to a dazzling one, you swore you could've seen stars and glimmers in them. "well, guess you've finally broke the undiscovered mystery, huh?" "you got to tell me about everything! tell me! tell me! what was it like? how did it start? were you nervous? were you suprised- oh this is a dream to be dating a popstar!" i guess now he's going to nag everyone about dating an ex-popstar?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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