2up doucebag

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You walk into your bedroom and flop down onto your bed. Ughh another boring day at school how come nothing exciting happens it always (Y/N) do this and (y/n) do that. You flip open your laptop and scroll thru tumblur. Random gif's and shippy fanart popped up on your screen. Wow I will never un-see that again. Something flashed up on your screen.
Download new messaging app Pestchum, meet new friends and find old ones.Sign up now!

Oh what the heck let's get it maybe some people would roleplay with me or I could troll people. You click sign up.
What to call myself? (F/C) (F/A) wasn't the most creative but who cares. You picked a colour you wanted to write in and started typing in a few random names such as PinkSquiddles. You flick your (H/C) hair out of your eyes and glance at your clock, you had plenty of time before tea. Something flashed on your screen twinAramegeddons started trolling [chumhandle].
TA: 2up doucebag
(Y/N): ughh rude
TA: 2ays the person was has been trolliing people for 30 miinutes.
(Y/N): how do you know that. You creep!
TA: Iif you really want to know then. ii've hacked your computer.
(Y/N): Don't you dare put any bugs on it.
(Y/N): What's with your typing style and why are you hacking my computer.
TA: Well iim bored 2o ii picked a random user and hacked you. Damm you have a 2trong antii-virue2 2ystem.
(Y/N): Can you plz stop hacking my computer... T+T
TA: haha cute face, okay ii wiill. 2o what do you want to talk about.
(Y/N): Aren't you ment to be trolling me?
TA: nah iim interested in humans.
(Y/N): okay now your trolling me of course your human.
TA: 2o self-centered.
(Y/N): no I'm not just aliens aren't real.
TA: You keep telliing ypur2elf that. 8D
(Y/N): are you flirting.
TA: No that'2 me laughiing my a22 off at your remark.
(Y/N): uggh.
(Y/N): I think your flirting.
TA: no iim not. 8/
(Y/N): anyway... How old are you???
TA: ii'm the same age as you.
(Y/N): that means your 16...
TA: ye2 and no.
TA: ii'm 8 but in your year2 ii'm 16.

After a long 10 minutes of chatting you find you've got a few things in common... And by a few I mean you blame yourself for a lot of things and bees. I mean srsly fucking bees.

You lay in your bed wondering what he looked like and if he really was from another planet. I mean he said a few confusing things and said never say buckets to him again, it was like it was some embarrassing Werid shit.

Oh well, you roll off your bed and look at your mom who was looking at you the whole time. Oh my gawd.
"Are you blushing?"
"What no"
"Who's sollux?"
"A friend."
"Honey you are perfect in every way but your a terrible lier."
"Oh thanks!"
"Tea's ready and we having pizza."
You continue your search on pesterchum to find some new friends. Until next time Captor.

*le time skip next morning*

twinAramegeddons started trolling [chumhandle].
TA: hey you up.
TA: hey
(Y/N): yes hello =-O
(Y/N): you are soooooooo impatient ughh.
TA: no Ii'm not.
TA: Ij'm just bored AA i2 not talkiing to me and KK is just 2creaming at me.
(Y/N): wait who the hell are they.
TA: just friends.
(Y/N): k can I be your friend?
TA: yes 2ure but Ii don't even know what you look liike.
TA: ii mean ii could see you but ii feel like iim iinvadiing your priivacy.
(Y/N) okay shall I send a photo or something.
TA: look ii don't mind what you do beecauae ii really don't now.
(Y/N): well I'm sending one now.
(Y/N): open this hey.jpg

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