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Anyway I hoped you liked the last chapter and onwards to the story!


I sat thinking watching Karkat and Vriska have some kind of argument. Its been so long since I've seen sol, I missing him. Judging by the dream bubbles and by sources of info, it's been 3 years since I died and the dream bubbles, Sollux's are so spread out I've only seen him 15 times and only hard of those we got to have some alone time. I've been going out with him for 2 years. I just want to see him sometime soon that's all.
"Cool," I say still thinking I pass into another bubble. I wonder if he's cheating on me, I wouldn't be surprised when you've seen your girlfriend only 20 times in your relationship.
"Hey (y/n) glub!" Exclaimed a voice behind me."oh hey fef," I sighed.
"What's up got you down in deep water!" She asked.
"Well don't tell Sol please."
"Hmm okay but if it somefin like cheating you'll be in deep water!"
"Yeah well I've only seen Sol 20 times and I've been in a relationship with him for 1 sweep!"
"Oh my cod, is that it!"
"Well I've been feeling lonely and I'm just not happy."
"Aww it's good that you feel loney without him, whale not good but not bad!"
"I'm confused!"
"Whale you need him (y/n) and I'm betting he's been missing you!"
"Why do you say that?"
"He talks about you like you some kinda goddess!"
"What reely, I mean really!"
"Yeah you worry way too much about what he's doing!"
"What no I don't!"
"Yes you do and anyway you should tell him that you've been missing him!"
"Should I?"
"Yes totally you are as you say his 'gillfrond'!"
"Yeah I guess!" I said thinking about it Feferi has a point I should tell him the next time I see him maybe he feels the same way. "So what do you wanna do now?" I asked.
"Oh I don't know give my details on your dates, come on!"
"Oh and fef can lay off the fish puns, I get confused."

I just sighed anyway let's start with our first date.
"Well we didn't know what to do so we just watched a movie I fell asleep on Sollux and he put me in his recoupacon."
"And shorely somefin, opps, something must of happened for shore!"
"Well he felt tired and he jumped in with me!" I laughed out blushing a bit at the memory.
"Aww for shore your gonna be together for ever!"
"We don't know that!"
"Don't be such a dead fish!"
"Well the second date was at my local and we ate."
"Come on somefin must of happened more, come on, come on!"
"Fef the fish puns! Anyway we just ate and anyway were not that cute!"
"Not that cute! Your so cute I can't glubbing handle how cute you are!"

I sigh most of the times we had met up were dates. Man why can't this dream bubble be over! I love fef but she was so excited about this relationship, I mean do I have to go over every date we ever had. "We've been on 15 dates fef do I have to go over every!" I sighed.
"15 man most couples have pailed by then!"
"P pailing nope nope I've never pailed with him before!"
"Your as bright as a tomato!"
"Hey I though trolls were meant to be embarssed by this stuff!"
"Whale some trolls are just get over it just like humans they get over it!"
"Right I guess I'm just too used to Karkat flipping his shit about it."
"Yeah whale bye!"
"What bye!"

*time skip*

I floated into a dream bubble, all I wanted was to see Sollux again that's all. "(Y/n), oh thank god I was worriied that I was never goiing to 2ee you agaiin!"
"Sollux!" I could feel tears coming to my eyes, "I've missed you so fucking much!"
"Yeah 2ame!" He said kissing me.

I looked around we were in my bedroom again. Long time no see to all the weird stuff I'm into. "Sollux can I talk to you!" I could see fear strike in Sollux's eye, "no I'm not splitting up with you!"
"Oh okay thank2 ii guess." He said sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Do you know that we've been together for 2 years?"
"No but now I know."
"Well I talked to fef and she said I should tell you this." I said he just grunted to carry on.
"I've been feeling so so lonely without and I get so jealous when I see you with other girls and and!" I say burying my face into his shoulder.
"Hey ii2 that iit? Man ii wa2 worriied iit wa2 cheatiing," he said pulling me into a hug.
"Thanks Bee Boy!"
"Hey ii told you to 2top 2ayiing that!"
"Nope never!" I say laughing kissing him before he could go on a rant. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Well II gue22 you want me to 2ay what II've been feeliing," he sighed laying down on the bed, "well II've been wonderiing what you've been doiing wiith ED and ii have been mii22iing you two!"

I lay next to him and intertwine my fingers with his. "Yeah I've been helping ED with a few things."
"Well II've been kiickiing ED'2 butt!" He smirked.
"Well you've done a great job seen as half the time he's ranting about how he hates you so much."
"Yeah II hate hiim a bit but iit's purely platoniic."
"Also Sollux I don't know when I'm gonna see you again! I mean the last dream bubble we had was ages ago!"
"Yeah II know II 2aw ED 3 tiime2."
"Yeah I know I saw him twice!"
"And ii 2aw FF 2 times!"
"Yeah I just worry that I'll forget about you or forget the times we had together!" I said kissing him on the lips.

"Yeah well about that," he whispered getting on top of me, "let's make this one memorable!" I blushed even harder, I guess all those thoughts came true, "Sollux what if someone comes into this dream bubble?"
"Do you thiink that the horror terror thiing2 are that mean?"
"Well no I guess?"
"Al2o are you 2ure you wanna do thii2, ii wiill do iit your weiird human way."
"Will I get ghost pregnant?"
"I guess th... Mph!" Sollux had kissed me passionately.


Soooo here's a question for you do you want me to write a lemon or not. I will be finishing this in the next couple chapters so it's your choice.

Anyway bye!

What am I doing with my life?

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