Hadn't come two thiis

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Sooo I'm a bitch making you kiss a Jay. I know I know be pissed but do I give a fuck.
Sorry love you guys and everything. Anyway on with the story where were we, oh yes!
Spin the motherfucking bottle!

__________________________"Jay's turn!!" Lily literally screamed. We've been playing this game for two minutes and already Lily was excited! Wow!
*beep beep*
You look at your phone and see sollux was pestering you again. Not now bee boy.
"(Y/n)" Jay whispered in my ear. What! My shoulder tense and my body goes rigged. He looks into my eyes and kisses me. His lips tasted of honey, everything tonight was reminding me off sol.

"Enough love birds, get a room," laughed Lily. Jay smirked at this as he sat back in his place. No! I can't be cheating like this, I can tell that Sollux really wants this to work. I have to fight back against Jay, no more will I just let him kiss me, you never know what will happen next. "I need to go to the bathroom," I say walking away from the others and into the bathroom you pester sol.

[Chumhandle] began pestering twinAramegeddons
CH: hey sol
ta: oh hey
CH: what did you want earlier?
ta: oh just to 2ay that its my wriiggliing day
CH: wriggling day?
ta: the day ii came out of the cavern2...
CH: oh birthday cool happy wriggling day then
ta: yeah thank2 what you up two anyway
CH: oh just at a friends house.
Ta: yeah ii'm just siitiing here waiting for AA two remember what day iit ii2
CH: :-(
Ta: don't feel 2orry just talkiing two you ha2 cheered me up.
CH: huh thanks
Ta: i2 2omethiing on your miind?
CH: oh what no nothiing to worry about just fine here everything's just dandy.
Ta: riight well that obviou2ly means everythiing ii2 fiine and ii 2houldn't be worriied at all.
CH: thanks wait was that sarcasm!
twinAramegeddons ceased trolling [chumhandle]

Ugh that ass, shouldn't of over reacted though he just cares about me that's all. I walked back to the living room and the others were watching a movie. I sat down and grabbed a bunch of popcorn.

*time skip*

"Such a good movie especially when the guys arm was chopped off!" Liam commented. Okay liam is horror lover I guess or a phycopath, I'm fine with both. "Hey its really late we should totally get the hell to bed!" Jake whispered because Lily's parents were sleeping.

I wandered into one of the spare rooms and got changed into Lilly's PJs. I washed my teeth out with mouth wash and checked my phone. Sigh I'm gonna tell Jay tommorow that I'm not interested and please can you stop kissing me. There was a knock on my door and guess who walked in.

"Hey how are you bet I blowed you away with that kiss, you seem like you've got your head up in the clouds."
"Yeah anyway was just getting to bed soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo," I say wishing that he'd just walked past my door. Jay walked across to me. I felt a bit trapped seen as I was standing next to the wall. "Jay I think..."

He smashed his lips with mine, my eyes widened. I opened my mouth to speak but he took that opintunity to slide his tongue in to my mouth. I squeled a bit but part of me was enjoying it, a part of me didn't even care about who it was.

No I won't give in to weird animalistic senses. But you really want to, no I fucking don't!! Jay pulls back with a smile on his lips.
"You liked it didn't you!" Jay purred, "well I've got more where that came from!"
"Jay please I ..."I almost yell. He kisses you again this time holding your arms above your head. He doesn't even care about you, he just liked the way you looked.

Sollux POV
(Y/N) been acting shifty tonight its just not like her to lie. There must be something up maybe with her family or maybe she's got friend troubles. I don't know but I want to find out. I should be able to hack her phone and see what's on there it might tell me what's going on. I sit down at the computer and stop pacing to be honest it was probably something really small.

*time skip*
Okay let's see nope nothing in any of the pesterchum files now for actual texting. Okay just some text from here friend wait who's Jay? "Who are you and why are you texting (y/n)?" I mumble. Scanning over the texts, one caught your eye.

Jay: hey (y/n) do you wanna hang out next Friday me and my boys are going to a concert.
(Y/n): yeah sure but why me you could of picked anybody??
Jay: your different ;-)
(Y/n): umm okay thanks I'll see you there then.

Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! You fucking knew he likes you and its just turned Saturday so they have already gone. He could of hit on her, he could of done anything. I could feel my eyes burning up and sparks were hitting the sides of my face. Calm down Sollux you don't know this she could of just said that she wasn't interested and everything would be fine.

Let's just troll her and see what's she's doing.

twinAramegeddons began trolling [chumhandle]

ta:hey (y/n)
ta: an2wer me
ta: ii know about Jay.
ta: well ii wiish iit hadn't come two thiis.

I press the key to show what was happening right now. I gritted my teeth whoever it was, was kissing (y/n). Sparks are flying every where but I don't care I'm gonna mess this Jay guy up. Yeah, I am gonna fuck this guy up.

ta: ii know about Jay and ii hope your happy fuckiing up our relatiionship thank2 for that.

twinAramegeddons ceased trolling [chumhandle]

Calm down Sollux you'll get revenge soon, on both of them. "Sollux what's wrong?" A voice called.
"Nothing everything is just great because my eyes are sparking for no reason!" I shout kicking the desk. Aradia ran up me "Sollux let's just have a feelings jam, okay!" Aradia whispered putting a arm around Sollux. "I just can't believe it." I whispered through gritted teeth, tears hitting the floor. "I'm a real fuck up with girls, I killed you in a alternate time line and I couldn't save FF on that time line as well!"

--------------------------I think I'll leave it there so that cliff hangers any way byeee

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