Well that was... exciting

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Soon guys long no see well, this just shows how much I care right! Please don't hate me... Anyway I'm going on holiday soon so I'll probably write but not post. So you probably didn't want to hear any of this so on with the story... O..O

Mom pov

"Go away do I really need to be told about it, I just can't tell Jay that I've already got a boyfriend." Whispered (y/n)
Where did I go wrong with this girl... She was so nice and brilliant but she's talking to herself! Actually arguing with herself.

"Wait hold on. I have had literally nothing to do with Jay."

I walked away from her room where did I go wrong...

____back to your POV_____

Was that, just my mum, oh well.. Anyway looks like mini angel me has gone. What to do what to do?

twinAramegeddons started trolling [chumhandle]

Ta:hey (ch) have you added me yet?
Ta:I wa2 ju2t a2kiing!
CH:sorry sh!tty day.
Ta: anyway are you bored got nothiing yo do??
CH: what a guess, you mist be pyhsic or some sh!t.
Ta: ha ha smarta22.. Anyway how about your 2hiitty human 2kype.
CH:hey it is not sh!tty!!
Ta:2ure 'co2 everythiing on that planet is amaziinh iin every way!
CH:hey I am I not amazing.
Ta: na your amaziing!
CH:you did not just do that, you did not just go there...
Ta:what of I diid.
CH:yeah well it's my planet and I defend it!
Ta: you know claiimiing a planet ii2 quiite a biig thiing two do.
CH: knsomns
Ta: seriiou2ly... That.

CH: [Chumhandle] has been blown away by a huge mustard asshole
Ta: wow... You can't fool me.
CH: fine anyway about Skype?
Ta: well 2een a2 everybody on my team ha2 gone doiing heaven2 know2 what.
Ta: II'm alone 2o we can talk two face two face.
CH: cool I think my mum is having a mental break down downstairs.
Ta: ...
CH: anyway Skype right.
Ta: yeah well 2ee ya.

twinAramegeddons ceased pestering [chumhandle]

I plugged my headphones into my computer and got coftable. And swichted on skype, and called sollux up. After one second sollux face appeared in the screen and it lagged a bit but it was fine.
"Hey whatths up."
"Ughh hi." I say with a little bit of blush on my checks.
"Tho what do you wanna talk about?" He said smiling. Oh dear god his lisp was aborable so cute.
"Oh what sorry"
"Seriously zoning out well I would anyway if I was talking to myself," he smiled and sighed.
"Tho howth earth?"
"Oh I donno fine nothing exciting happens," I gigled a bit at sollux's lisp it was funny and set him far apart from anybody else.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Oh just your lisp its..."
"Oh god.." Panick was all over his face.
"Adorable" I squeaked out.
"Heheh, thankth I.. Gueth," he blushed a little.
"Sorry couldn't help it."
"No its fine, I really hate my lisp though it annoys me," he said through gritted teeth.

Wow that's a lot of self hatred their, now I feel even more bad about Jay. Arggh brain what are you doing where has rational thinking gone.

"Yeah well its something that makes you, you" I say back.

"I guess." He muttered as somebody jumped into view. She had the same grey skin and black hair but she had ram horns.
"Ooh so this is who sollux been talking about!"she said with an excited look.
"AA go away!"
"Hey what movies do you like?"she ask ignoring sollux completly.
"Oh well I like (f/f)"
"Oh cool, I don't watch films but if I did, I would be into troll Indiana Jones!"
"Cool well I'm like (f/f).."
"Also I believe that you should get out there and have some fun and make your own adventure," she gigled.
"AA this is our convosation."
"Oh by the way I'm Aradia, AA for short, sollux please this is the first time I've talked to your matrsprit, let me talk."
"Hehe," you say this was way too much to take in all at once.
"Honey lunch is ready!!" My mum called from downstairs.
"Who was that?" They asked.
"Oh that's my mum."
They both looked confused, maybe trolls didn't have parents.
"She takes care of me."
"Ohhh a lusus, she's better than mine he was super dumb," sollux said.
"Okay well fun talking to you guys especially you sollux bye." I closed Skype and my computer and headed down stairs smiling to myself.

My mom looked at me worried but I was fine no better than fine I was getting 20 percent cooler.

(A/n) for those who don't get that it's fine its cool.

"Well that was... Exciting." I squeled I didn't meet one but two trolls and all of them are so cool.
So thanks guys for over 100 reads it was fun writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!!

So anyway I told you that I was going on holiday yadayada sobanyeay have fun sorry it took sooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Long to update things,See you all in the next video oh sorry wrong thing.

Anyway vote comment and follow, bye!! O#..#O
I don't know
What it is and
I don't think I
Want to know......

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