I'm gonna die

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(Y/n) POV

I sat down at my desk, gumpily frowning at the floor. "When does does detention end Miss?" I ask. "Oh at 4:15 so you'll be able to get home for tea," Mrs Woods answered. I looked at the clock 3:20, not so long then maybe if I just think about random things it'll pass the time.

I wonder what Sollux was so panicked about, he got over it quite quickly so no worries. What were all those weird dreams about anyway, it's kinda funny how soon as I break up with Sollux I start having weird dreams even though sitting on a candy corn was pretty weird I think those dreams top that. Oh look it's 3:50, how time flies when your mind is so weird and the fact that the author just wants to hurry up and get this over and done with.
"(Y/n) I don't want to do this but I'll let you go early, there seems to be a storm brewing," Mrs Woods said. "Thanks Miss!" I reply cheerfully.

I wander out of the class room and grab my stuff form my locker then head towards the exit. "Fuck how am I ment to get home," I whisper to myself, it was raining and the wind was crazy. I lifted my bag above my head, I will sacrifice that science homework.

I brace myself and walked out into the wet and cold.
I carn't see a thing, how am I meant to get back. I'll just have to go by instinct, the wind wipped my hair backwards and the rain chilled me to the bone. I can see looming shapes of trees, wow that looked hella scary. I gasp as a gust of wind wipped loads of rain in my direction. My eyes watered up and goose bumps appeared on my arms. I'm gonna need a towel to dry myself, wow that sounded weird.

*beep beep* my phone, I looked at it, Sollux does troll me at the weirdest times. I started to cross the road as I texted him back.

twinAramegeddons started trolling [chumhandle]
ta: hey plea2e don't be mad.
CH: no I'm not mad, are you?
ta: no just ii'm worriied..
CH: about what?
ta: the fact that ii heard your voiice iin my head.
CH: that's pretty weird.

I looked up to see two headlight coming straight at me. I cover myself with my arms. My phone slipped out my hand and a it felt like my body was collapsing in on it self. My ribcage pushed into my heart and I fell. At least my last seconds spent with Sollux, I guess I've forgiven him then. I closed my eyes knowing I won't wake up.

Sollux POV

I sat at my computer looking at all the convocations I had with (y/n). We shouldn't of fallen out over a few kisses, was it really worth it.
I turn round to see the Kids Jack. "KK, AA, ED, FF and TZ come here!"I Yell. My throwing stars hovering around me, I see KK and the others running in.
"What is it?!" Yelled KK, "oh shit!" The other all pulled out their weapons. I made my stars slice at Jack's chest, I could tell that we weren't gonna win but they may as well go put fighting. "Guyth go get him," I whisper running towards him trying to distract him, "hey dog let'th play fetch I'll be the ball and you try and catch me."
I run to the left away from the others. "He's gone mad hasn't he!" KK shouted. Nope KK always was, I think as I get stabbed in back. Oh well death seems to be nicer than this shitty place. I cough of yellow blood, it smelled disgusting. I felt the sword leave my body and I fall on the ground. My glasses smash as they hit the ground, I turn my head a bit and cough a bit more.I smile thinking of all the good times I had with (y/n), I wish we hadn't fallen out, I guess this means I've forgiven her. I closed my eyes knowing that I wouldn't wake up alive.

I wake up in my old hive, man it looked like a shit hole. Oh someone's trolling me.

caligulasAquarium started trolling twinAramegeddons

Ca: hey sol
Ta: what'2 up ED.
Ca: oh you knoww just stopped hunting wwith fef.
Ta: good for you
Ca: yeah wwhat about you.
Ta: oh just you know just enjoyiing beiing dead.
Ca: oh yeah wwere dead aren't we.
Ta: yup
Ca: yeah I forgot that.
Ta: yeah I remember that our convocatiion ended at 'Ta: good for you'.
Ca: yeah why is your hivve so messy anywway.
Ta: have you 2een how much 2tuff ii have to put iin here.
Ca: good point anywway I rather not talked to you any more.
Ca:bye sol

I look over to see ED just standing there glaring at all the stuff in my room. It's my room I can put things where I want. Any way I wonder if I'll see (y/n) in these dream bubbles I mean everybody who has died has come here as far as I can see. "You know there was no point you ending that," I say, "jutht a question ED can you will a memory to come?"
"Howw the fuck am I ment to knoww!" Eridan grumbled, "and anywway maybe if you didn't distract the dog we might of wwon!"
"How would you defeat it then!"
"Oh you knoww just run from it!"
"That wouldn't of gone well!"
"Well if you'd run then it would of caught you eathily."
"Tho wwhat do you think wwe thould of done!" He said mocking me.
"That'th it!" I yell grabbing ED by his scarf.
ED just kicked his feet into my chest, throwing me backwards. Ugh, ED is stronger than he looks. "Bring it on fithdick!"
"Bring it on lisp king!"
I run at ED and use my pisonics to lift him up.
"That's not fucking fair!"
"Yeah well you thhould of thought of that before you picked a fight!"
He struggled against my pisonics, "hey lispalot let me down!"
"Okay!" I say letting him fall to the ground.
"I didn't mean fucking drop me!" ED shouted at me.
"Well I'm thorry do you need thome lussus to give you a pat on the head ath well!"
"No I fucking don't!"
I started laughing at ED with mind honey all over him!
Ughh, I suddenly get slammed to the floor, ED had jumped on me.
"Wwho's laughing now!"
"Ugh fine you win!" I say giving up I was too tired now.


So that was an exiting chapter, I'm like hussie just killing off most of the characters.

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