Yeah, no!

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I floated into another dream bubble, willing it to someone I liked. I just don't want to deal with anybody's shit right now! I looked around and saw Vriska, oh please no can I not! "Heeeeeeeey! (Y/n) how are you! Long time no see!"
"Yeah, no!"
"Oh what haaaaaaaas got you down in the dumps come ooooooon you can tell me!"
"Nothing has!"
"Oh really?"
"Hm you know getting killed by a four wheeled device is very pathetic!"
"Yes but you got killed by... By by!" I exclaimed what did she get killed by think think.
"I got kiiiiiiiilled 8y Terezi and Tavros! They have had enough of my shit! 88888888-)"
"Oh cool, then I guess you were too much of a fake mind controller so they had to put you out of your misery, just like every spider."
"F8ke mind controller! I'm noooooooot f8ke!"
"Really Vriska maybe stop being an asshole half the time and maybe you'll get a decent matesprit!"
"Oh I'm sorry 8ut it seems that I've got faaaaaaaar more experience than you!"
"Well well,!" I gasped out, I don't have any good comebacks! "Whaaaaaaaat's that (y/n) meow 8east got your tongue!" Vriska smirked out. No I'm not gonna deal with her, I walked over and say in one of the chairs. I couldn't wait til I could see someone I liked again, maybe I'll see KK or ED or maybe even TZ. Vriska and I have a weird history together not as weird as her and TZ but not really one I would of liked. See Vriska and I met at 7 minutes in heaven when she kept being a bitch to a few people and I told her to 'go fuck herself', she just laughed and said the comeback was cute. From then on I judged her as a bully but then I started asking and it turned out that Vriska was going to fight Jack Noir but Terezi and Tavros teamed up seen as Trezi was against her attempting to kill Tavros and well Tavros had his reasons. So when I heard that she was gonna go up against Jack I kinda started respecting her a bit more but still disliked her. Then shit happened and she started bragging and I got annoyed, started a fight. This is now what we have to rip each other apart then talk about shit later, weird ass thing huh! I just didn't think it was a stable friendship but hey it works. I looked up to see Vriska sitting next to me and her hood swinging as she moved. "H8y (y/n) what's on your mind? ::::::-/"
"Oh just our relationship and how shit has happened."
"Yeah I've met versions of me who have faced Jack and most of them have their ego crushed!"
"Yeah well, my death was pretty shit!"
"So was mine, I mean it was heroic!" She said smirking. The normal Vriska is back!
"Yeah, how are you and TZ anyway?"
"Oh were fine, I feel like the SS is hack in action and your calling everybody by McLispy names."
"Yeah sooooo?" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Well he's rubbing off on you."
"Pfttt, you could say that."
I said my mind wondering down a rabbit hole, thinking of all the cool fan fiction ideas. Man it seems like forever since my death I wonder how my friends are?


Walked along the path interlocking my hand with Sollux's it has been 10 years since I died, man it felt like along time. I still looked as young to think that today I could of been around 26, I think. "Hey!" I turned and looked at Sollux. "Aren't tho2e 2ome humans over theiir," he said pointing over towards some humans who were playing in the park. "Yeah, I haven't seen them around here often and this is my town's park so they must of lived here. One of them turned round looking at me, tilting her head to the side. She then grabbed the others hand and ran towards me. " (y/n), is it you is it really you?" One of them said.
"Ummm should I know you guys," I said.
"Duh were your besties!" They chorused.
"Lily and Kim right?"
"Omfg yes I'm Lily and she's Kim,"
"Okay I think I'm getting it can please catch up?" I said trying my hardest to remember what they were like. "Oh and BTW this is my boyfriend." I said directing their attention to sol. "Cool cosplay anyway..."

I sat back and listened to their story, after I died, they both went into a state where they would just sit and do nothing. Lily got out of this state this quickest and soon enough they both became happy again. After that they went to my funereal and fell in love with eachother soon after they moved in and things just kept going up. But sadly Lily met Jay one day again but he was drunk angry and he killed her, Kim fell into shock and soon after ran into Jay. Man that story is pretty fucked up. I'm just gonna pas over the fact that they called Sollux a cosplayer, who would cosplay a grey horned teenage alien. I looked out at the grass, I feel finally happy I mean I've got friends, I've got my man, I've got Mcnubs everything is fine.


Okay so this is then end of the story I know shit ending I just need to end it here due to homework and me just needing to stop it. Byeee 

Also thanks for 900 reads that's crazy and anyway I need to get on with this history homework so bye!

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