7 minutes in heaven

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So did you like the last part I wasn't trying to be shippy but I was kinda just choosing them at random a bit.

So anyway back to the story.


(Y/n) POV

I waited for my turn only 2 more people then me. I was getting nervous what happened it Sollux didn't make it land on him, well it wouldn't be that bad I guess as long as I don't get someone I dislike.
"(Y/n) get your head out of the water, it is your turn!"
"Oh sorry!" I say as I spin the bottle, I crossed my fingers. "S0llux we need to talk!" Aradia said. I looked at Sollux he wasn't controlling the bottle anymore. "What AA!" He said, "iit'2 my turn next!"
"0h s0rry, I d0n't want to st0p y0u!"
"Wwell (y/n) you got me, wwhat  are the chances hmm?"
Oh shit, no not Eridan, please anything but him.
I walked up to the closet and opened it and dragged my feet inside, Eridan followed. The doors closed on us. "So (y/n) you got me for 7 minutes!" Eri said, " anyfin you wanna do?"
"Yeah can you move away from me, I can feel your breath on me!"
"But sol's aloud to be close to you!"
"Yeah 'cos sol is my boyfriend!"
"I'm a frond wwho's a bouy!" Eridan said taking a step towards me.
"Ew get away fishdick!"
"Fine!" I say stepping on his foot.
"Oww my toes! Someone call troll 911!"
"Your dead can it really hurt that much!"
"Yes it can and anywway I get to do this noww!"
I step on his other foot, man his feet were easy to step on he wasn't even protecting them.
I stood there waiting to be let out, man I wanna get out, I like Eridan as a friend and nothing else also it's creepy when he flirts. Or trying to flirt  for that matter. The doors swung open and I saw Sollux arguing with Karkat.
"Fiine II'll take my turn!" He said winking at me, he had argued with Karkat so he could make sure he could go with me.
I sat down in Eridan's place "that's mine but but..."
"Bitch do I care!"
Eridan sighed in defeat and sat next to bee boy.
I just hoped this time nobody will distract Sollux. He got up and spined the bottle, it started to slow down. Yes it landed on me! I walked towards the closet Sollux followed. We both stepped in as the doors closed, "so hi!" I say a bit nervous, "you were lucky that it lande... Mmp!" My eyes widened as Sollux kissed me hard on the lips.

Sollux POV

I watched (y/n) go into the damm closet with ED, I could feel pang in my heart. I know he's gonna have his hands all over her and soon she'll be a fish caught his good damm net. I looked towards the other closet, KK and AA had just come out, it was my turn but (y/n) hadn't come out yet. I need to be in with her, I was meant to make me go in with her so they would skip my go.
"Yeah well why don't we waiit for a bit, I want (Y/N) to 2ee who I'm goiing wiith!"

I could see NP scribbling in her notepad, knowing her she's probably updating her shipping wall to KK and me in a hate relationship.
I was about to say something then (y/n) came out "Fiine ii'll take my turn!" I yelled giving (y/n) a wink to say I did this for you bee happy. I sat down and spined the bottle, I made it land on (y/n) it was quite an easy task.  I jumped up and followed (y/n) I turned round and flipped KK off.
Yeah that's right asshole!

Gamzee closed the door behind us and I looked (y/n) she was talking about something. "You were lucky it..." I leaned it and kissed her, I could tell she wasn't expecting it. I wrapped my arms round her waist and smiled. She started to kiss back. I pulled back and gasped for air or something. "Your not a bad kisser yourself Captor!"
"Your not a bad kii22er your2elf (l/n)!"
"I love you!" She said hugging me.
"I love you two!" I said hugging her.
She was blushing, she was pretty much cute when angry, happy and every other emotion.

I realised this was the perfect time to use her ears against her. I cupped her face and "stop it Sollux that tickles," she yelpled as I tickeled behind her ears. She fell against me laughing. "2hiit!" I say as she began tickling me as well. I burst out laughing. The door swung open. I fell the floor laughing hugging myself. "Psssssssst is Sollux laughing!!!!!!!!" Virska shouted.
"Oh my glub he is, I never seen him laugh before!"
"Taaaaaaaavros stop being such a spoil sport, you know I haaaaaaaate spoil sports!!!!!!!! ::::-D"
I stopped laughing, wait I know I'm not much of a laugher but I must of laughed around them before!
"Guy2 are you 2ure ii must of laughed around you, ii've laughed around AA!" I complained.
"Well KK you've alway2 had thii2 look about you!"


I began tickling Sollux "2hit!" He said laughing, I felt my cheeks go even more red, his laugh was adorable. I was falling for this guy again and again. I blocked out whatever they were saying and sat down my face in my hands again, trying to hide my pink ass face.
Sollux finally sat down next to me and intertwined my fingers in his. I think I heard Nepeta scribble furiously on her notepad, I guess she was updating the whole shipping thing again. I sighed as Karkat started ranting about something, well that game was fun,I guess, while it lasted.

Most people were off doing their own thing, I guess everybody hated his ranting. I mean who wouldn't he's a maniac.

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