Chapter 8

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I woke up, feeling more sick than last night. Shit. Nope, not going to school. I woke up late anyways. Randomly, my phone goes off.
Kian: Hey Cupcake, why aren't you at school?
Ugh, why Kian?
Me: None of your business. Why are you texting me anyways?
Kian: Idk, felt like it. Hope you feel better. Expect a surprise ;)
Me: Kian. Seriously. I don't want to see you :)
Kian: What ever ;)

Ugh. Why does he have to be so fucking annoying? I sighed and got off my bed. I took a shower, and got in some sweats and a sweatshirt. I'm not doing anything today, so why dress up?

The day went by fast, due to my laziness. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door. Please don't be Kian... I opened the door slowly, and of course. Kian! "Oh hey Kian! Great to see you!" I exclaimed, with sarcasm and a fake smile. "Great to see you to, Cupcake." He smirked. I rolled my eyes, while shutting the door. Then he just opened it. Fuck. "Kian, what do you want?" I replied, with annoyance. "I wanted to say, I hope you get better." He smirked handing me chocolate. The smirk gave it away. I slapped the chocolate out off his hand and slammed the door shut. He's so annoying! Can't he leave me alone!

*Kians POV*

God. I was trying to be nice. Oh well. Its kind of obvious she hates me. Why does she care anyways? Plus, all girls like me. Why is she denying me? Just because I kissed some random girl, and she cared, doesn't mean shit. Ugh. I started walking away when I heard the door open.

I saw Grace standing right there. What was she doing? I walked up to her trying to kiss her, but nope. She just slapped me. I don't know what got to me, but.. I punched her. I instantly regret it.

*Grace's POV*

That asshole punched me! I wasn't going to let him kiss me, so I slapped him. He was being a perv anyway. When he smirks, you know he's being creepy as fuck. I got up and stared at him, astonished. My face hurt like ass. "I-i d-d-did-" I cut him off. I laughed. "Bitch, please. Don't come up with excuses. You hit me. Yeah, I'm going to get a bruised cheek. Now, will you leave?" I said, glaring at him. I felt like smashing a brick in his face. "Look, it was on accident!" He protested. I just simply laughed. He's an ass. My language is terrible, so he knows what's coming.

"So Kian, punching me was a fucking accident? How do you accident fucking moved your arm towards my face, using power? You fucking ass hole! Now, will you move your sorry ass somewhere else?" I glared at him. He stared at me, wide eyed. He slowly started moving away to his house. I waved at him, with a fake smile. Ugh. I kinda missed him, but not really.

I have mixed feelings. I don't know how to explain, its hard. I slowly start to walk inside, when I hear my name being called. I turned around, hoping its nor Kian. Thank fully its not, but the weird thing is, I don't know this person. "Um, do I know you?" I asked, confused. "Well no, but I'm Sam." He smiled. He was kinda cute. "Oh well, I'm Grace, and how do you know my name?" I asked. "I'm friends with Kian. Anyways, I heard a lot about you, and I was wondering if you want to go to a party tonight?" He asked shyly, he was adorable. "Aww thanks!" He smiled. I gave him a confused look. "You said that out loud." He laughed. "Oh.." I blushed. "Anyways, you wanna come?" He smiled, again. His teeth are perfect!

I wasn't feeling so crappy anymore. So, why not? "Sure." I smiled. "Great! I'll pick you up around, 7:00?" He asked sweetly. "Yeah, I'll be waiting." I smiled. He nodded and waved. I waved back. He was already inside Kian's house when I forgot to ask him a question. Was Kian going to be there?

Hey loves! Sorry for short chapter, I've been busy.
Anyways, expect an update soon!

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