Chapter 16

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I woke up and I was cold. I looked over and figured Kian wasn't there. Yep. He wasn't. Oh well. I got up, and stretched. I sighed and got my lazy ass out of bed and went downstairs. When I was walking down, I heard voices. Who could that be? I slowly made my way down, and peeked over the corner. I saw 4 guys in the kitchen discussing something.
"Who the fuck are you guys?" I asked, politely. They all turned their heads towards me. "You must be Grace, right?" Said the shorter one with curly hair that was put to the side. "Yeah... Who are you?" I asked. "Im Jc. A friend of Kian's. This is Ricky, Connor, and Trevor." He said, pointing to each of them as he said their names. I nodded slowly. "Where is Kian?" I asked, shyly. "He went to a party" he replied. "Where?" I asked. He gave me an address.

This was the same address where he kissed the bitch. Im going. I nodded and ran up stairs. I saw my clothes in a bag. I sighed in relief. I got some short shorts, a crop top, and curled my hair. No need to be fancy. I quickly put some make up on and went to the address. Kian doesnt know im here. I got inside, and people were doing things everyone at parties do. I was looking for Kian until I saw him making out with the same slut from last. I quickly got out my phone and texted him.
G: Hey Kian, what you doing?
K: Oh, getting some coffee.
This dick head!
G: Oh, nice.
K: What you doing?
G: Standing in the party behind you.
I got watery eyes. He turned around slowly and went wide eyed. I smile sheepishly and told him to follow me. I led him out side. "So, whos the lucky girl?" I ask, tryna sound happy. "Um..." He said. He wasnt even drunk. I started crying. "Cupcake, please dont cry." He begged. I shook my head and walked out.

I got to the house and swung open the door. Only Jc was here. "Hey, whats wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. He started walking towards me. "I know something isn't right. You can tell me." He said. The emotional person I am, I bawled my eyes out and told him everything. "I'm so sorry." He whispered, and hugged me. I just nodded and stood up. "I'm going to take a walk." I sighed. "Do you want me to come with you?" He offered. "No, I'm fine." I replied. He nodded and I left. I started walking, and I felt like I was being followed. I started to speed up. But that didn't work. As I was about to pass a bush, someone jumped out and kicked me so I fell. I tried getting up, but they punched me hard in the temple, suddenly, everything went black.

*Kian's POV*

I did it again. I broke her. I made Grace cry. I liked her, alot. And I ruined it. I got up and ran to the house and barged in to see Jc. "Where is she?!" I yelled. He stood up. "I dont know man! You fucking broke her heart and she took a walk. God knows where she is now!" He yelled. I sighed and sat on the couch. This is my fault. How could I do this? Fucking Andrea. She has these dumb ass plans! Suddenly my phone buzzed. I looked at it, and it was from... Grace?

G: Waiting for you. <3
What? Im confused.. Wait. This isn't her.
K: Who is this?
G: The one your princess almost killed! I took care of her. I got what I wanted. She lost her virginity to me! What a joy!
Im fucking pissed. Hunter raped her and made her lose her virginity. I was supposed to be the one to lose it!
K: Bitch. You wait.
He didn't respond after that. "Jc!" I yelled. "What?" He replied. "Hunter stole her and raped her. We're gonna go get her!" I said. He noddes and we went to go hget weapons and then went to the car. We started driving and we were off.

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