Chapter 17

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I woke up, with Kian standing in the room looking for something. "Morning." Kian said as I stood up. "Morning. What you looking for?" I asked, kissing him on the cheek. "Nothing.." He said nervously. Ummmm okay? "Okay then." I shrugged and went down stairs to see Ricky making breakfast. "What you making?" I asked, standing beside him. "I am making breakfast." He said, smiling. No shit. "No shit smart ass." I said. And he laughed. "The usual. Bacon, eggs, pancakes, cinnamon roles." He replied. I nodded. I sat down as he handed me a plate and we started eating.

*Kian's POV*

Last night was amazing. But I seriously didn't want to hurt her. About the thing I was looking for, it's a note. Hunter left it when I left, somehow. It read, "Oh please, princess will be mine. She already lost her virginity to me, but I want a bit more. I'm sure I'll enjoy what I'm planning to do to her. She will be screaming my name soon Lawley. Good luck keeping her safe! ~H" Ugh. Why? Why does he want her? Probably because of her looks. He's a man whore! Oh wow! Anyways, im looking for it. I lost it. I don't want her to see it. I continue searching, as well as trying to remember. I last saw it in her phone case. I need it because it had an address, that I'm going to go to. I grabbed her phone to see is its in the phone case. I popped her phone case off and a note fell. Yes! I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. I got up and went down stairs.

I was done eating. I saw Grace was walking up to me and I smiled. She looked worried. "Um baby can you come here.." She whispered. I nodded and followed her to my room. She pointed towards the window. I walked over to the window and looked. It was fucking Hunter. Standing outside my window. "I can kill you right now if I wanted too." I yelled at him. I grabbed the gun under my pillow and quickly pointed it towards him. He flinched and I tightened my grip on the gun. "Go!" I screamed. Grace ran down stairs to Ricky. "You have three seconds to leave or I will shoot." I warned him. He turned around and hopped into a van. I saw he had a back brace on his back. He probably escaped the hospital. He drove off. I ran down stairs to see Grace in the corner of the couch. I walked over to her and sat down beside her. She looked at me and put her head on my chest. "Why will he do this?" She asked. I was confused. Then she help up, "The note."

"How did you get that?" I asked, surprised. "It was coming out of your pocket when I was about to leave." She told me. I sighed and kissed her forehead.

*Grace's POV*

"Why haven't you told me?" I say, raising my voice. I won't be screaming Hunter's damn name. I prefer to scream Kian's. ;). "I didn't want you to be worried." He replied. I nodded and sighed. "Hey, I at least one to scream your name." I said, winking. He did his famous Kian smirk. I laughed. We started making out anddddddddd you can guess what happened after. (Oh shit.)

After we did "you know what," we were cuddling watching Netflix. I moved around, and looked at Kian, he was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "Ohhh nothing." He said, doing his usual smirk. "What are you thinking about?" I asked. He smirked. "Oh, just thinking about what we did earlier. You know, I've been waiting for that." He said, grinning. I laughed. He placed his hand on my bare thigh. I froze. He was smiling sheepishly. I slowlyyy moved his hand off my thigh. He groaned and looked at me. I smiled. "Oh Kian." I said, patting his head. I started laughing, until he shut me up by kissing me. 'Course I kissed back. Oh did I mention he didn't have a shirt on?

We started making out. After like three minutes I pulled away. He did puppy dog eyes. "Stop being so damn cute." I said ruffling is bleached hair. "I'm only cute?" He asked. "Ok fine, your hot." I laughed.

*Kian's POV*

"Only hot?" I asked, placing my hand over my heart, pretending to be offended. She bit her lip and said, "Fine, you're fucking sexy but I'm hungry sooo imma go eat." She laughed. I smirked as we went down stairs. I saw all the guys on the couch watching TV. They all just looked at us and smirked. The fuck? I gave Jc a confused look. Then he mouthed, "We heard you. Be a bit more quiet next time." He smiled, trying to hold in laughter. I looked down, embarrassed.

Hey guys! Sorry foe the short chapter. I will update as soon as I can. And I'll be making another Kian fan fic soon. You should go check it out! Okay? No? Okay.. Anywaysss, bye lovies! COMMENT AND VOTE!! ;)

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