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Without any resentment or hesitation, (M/n) did as he was told. He held his daughter close to him, keeping her face in his chest as he walked along the corridors of this underground passageway.

"I honestly want to know the full extensions of this house." He said to himself. Every single time he thought he'd seen everything this house had to offer, there was a whole new section waiting to be explored. He even questions what the hell this place is even used for.

Tray suddenly stopped, and (M/n) stopped in his tracks as well. He took a sharp left, "This way." He whispered. Tray wasn't walking in a hurried manner. It was more of a calm stroll. His face remained constant, unchanging from a stoic expression. To the Omega, it shows how the rather small Alpha is able to compose his emotions when under pressure."The fashion that they wore," Tray sighed, "So, it's the Black Cobras."

"Black Cobras?" (M/n) muttered, confused.

"Another Mafia." Tray answered simply.

"I have a hunch that the lackeys have already invaded the Underground Passageway." Tray said. He walked with his gun pointed downward. The safety was clearly off as he walked along the metal corridors, looking around every corner before fully risking a turn.

"At the end of this hall, there's a safe room. It's bullet proof, so the both of you should be safe. Once we make it there, you and your daughter will stay inside that room until I open it myself. Got it?" The interesting Alpha looked back with a small smile as an attempt to comfort (M/n) in this drastic situation. It didn't really help, but it's the principal that counts.

With a small nod, the (h/c) haired Omega had continued to follow the Alpha known as Tray.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, an arm wrapped around Tray's neck, "That does sound like a good plan, doesn't it?" A gun was held to the Alpha's head as what seemed like a beta stepped out of the shadows.


"It's a little too bad I had be here, huh?" His sly smile made Tray irritated, his fangs prominent as he growled.

"Ah, ah, I wouldn't try anything if I was you." He said as he pushed the gun further against Tray's face. The Alpha was started to sweat a bit, finally showing some worry.

"Now, Omega, I suggest you hand over the lil' girl, or you and this fake will die." He said with a cocky grin.

As one would expect, (M/n) did not hand over his daughter. He growled lowly at the Beta, who looked at (M/n) in amusement.

Tray was even worse.

The Alpha looked pissed.

What did this random beta say to make the Alpha so mad? Was it the word...fake?

"Aww, what? Did I make you mad, small thing? I was only calling you out. It doesn't get that serious if it's the truth, right?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Tray hissed, as he leaned back on the Beta, using all his body weight. Caught by surprise, the beta lost his footing, and both of them fell to the ground. The beta dropped the gun, and the metal weapon fell near (M/n).

The Omega instinctively backed away a bit, scared of the weapon that caused the scar on his face. He held his daughter as his sharp teeth slightly bared. They weren't as long and threatening as an Alpha's canines, but they showed how feral the Omega was at the moment.

Speaking of feral, the two men across from him were fighting.

They were engaged in pure hand-to-hand combat. Their movements, blocks, and attacks made it clear that they were experienced fighters; however, Tray seems to lack physical prowess and intimidation. His scent alone should be able to at least make the beta hesitate about any action he might take, but it wasn't. Matter of fact, even if the Alpha was somewhat irritated, his scent wasn't bothering (M/n) at all.

All internal questions came to a close when Tray was punched really hard on the side of his face, knocking out a questionable white material. Once the object landed on the ground, (M/n) immediately noticed it was Tray's canines.

The Omega was filled with worry for Tray, but he also noticed that Tray seemed fine. In fact, he still had canines under his canines. They were shorter than the ones that were punched out of his mouth. They almost look like an Omega's set of canines...

Tray stared at them for a while, blindly enraged by the forced removal.

After connecting the dots, (M/n) let out a gasp. This person that he thought was an Alpha was actually an Omega? That explains so much...

"Aww, are you mad? What's the problem, little omega?" The beta teased.

Tray hissed as he looked towards the beta.

"Ah, stop right there..." He said, pulling out another gun from his blazer.

Tray stopped in his tracks, but he was still pure of rage and embarrassment of his exposure.

"Now, I need you to stay still as I—"


"AAAH!" The beta screamed as he was shot in the hand that held the weapon. He dropped the weapon he had as he held his hand.

Both Tray and the beta male looked to see that (M/n) had picked up the gun that was dropped earlier. His hand was shaking, as he was clearly shocked of what he's just done. He had the look of some novice who just accidentally killed their first victim.

Tray picked up the weapon that the beta male had just dropped, and he shot the beta male in the leg. With another scream, the beta fell to the ground.

Tray grabbed (M/n)'s shaking hand, "Hold on to your daughter, and let's go!" The newfound Omega tugged (M/n) away. He wanted to be long gone from the injured beta before his friends show up.
I was taking cover behind a stone pillar, which was a decent cover from the gunshots that were going live. I had my associates take (M/n)'s friends home, and I'm sure they'll be fine.

However, now that that's out the way, it's worth noting that I'm mad, furious even. Or maybe the correct term is livid.

This bastard and his goons just shot at (M/n), My Omega!

My growls grew loud as I thought about it, but I soon stopped when I was hit in the chest.

It was my sister.

"Calm down, idiot. He's alive and functioning, and so is his daughter. Don't let your tantrum be the reason you don't see either of them again."

"Yeah." I activated my earpiece, immediately receiving a 'hello' from the person on the other end, I confidently order for them to, "Take down the fucking sniper."

A Boss's Omega: Seme!Male!Oc x Uke!MalereaderWhere stories live. Discover now