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When Tom opened his eyes, he was surrounded by darkness. He turned in a circle, but there was no light to see.

"So," a voice echoed around him, and Tom looked around frantically. I finally get to meet the man who has been cheating me for years," it said, and Tom frowned.

He felt something brush against the back of his neck and whipped around to be met by red-orange eyes. Gasping, he stepped back and looked at the man before him. He wore a black tux with a white shirt and tie, his features were sharp, and his brown hair was perfectly slick back.

"Azrael," Tom mumbled, looking up at the man whose eyes also scanned him.

"Riddle," Azreal replied. Now that he had shown himself, his voice didn't echo, and Tom blinked at how deep and timberland it was.

"Did I die?" Tom asked, his voice emotionless as when he talked to his lower death eaters.

Azrael chuckled before shoving his hand in his pocket. "You know you're the only person I have met who isn't afraid of me," he said in a voice of amusement. But no, you are not dead," he replied, and Tom glared.

"Then why am I here?" He asked; now, he was more curious than ever.

"I wanted to thank you," The man in front of him said as he started to walk away, leaving Tom no choice but to follow.

"Thank me?" Tom asked as he hurried to keep up with the taller man.

"You saved my son," Azreal said, waving his hand, and a door opened. You are the only one to have made an effort, and I have a proposition for you," he said, holding the door open for Tom to step through.

"Your son? Potter? Harry Potter is your son? Since when did you have a SON?" Tom asked, his voice filled with shock and disbelief, but Azreal nodded. "What is your son doing in a muggle town?" he asked, and Death sighed heavily before sitting on one of the two chairs Tom had failed to notice.

"I made him over 700 hundred years ago," Azreal said, and Tom gaped at him.

"You made him?" Tom asked, confused. Azreal unbuttoned his tux jacket, pulled off his shirt, and showed Tom a scar above his heart.

"Being Death gets a little lonely, so I wanted something to help me not be so lonely anymore. I thought of a pet but couldn't choose one, so I thought of a kid. I was excited and wanted him to be as normal as possible. When everything was ready. I cut open my chest and used half of my heart to make him. He would be biologically mine, and we would live forever that way. He was beautiful, and I named him Asura Muerte," Azreal said, smiling a tiny bit before it disappeared. "I taught him as much as I could before he hit the teenage years of 500, about muggles, wizards, creatures, anything. We even visited a few times so he could experience it. When he got to 700, he wanted to experience a normal wizarding life. I was against it, but I could never say no to him. So I made a deal: I could choose the family he would go to, and after that, I promised not to interfere, no matter what. He would regain his members of me when he went through his inheritance. So when the time was right, I sent him to the Potters. One thing I didn't count on was Dumbledore. I didn't think the old man would be so cruel as to make a false prophecy about a powerful baby tempting you to kill my son. He didn't even know he was mine until after the incident," The brunette said, and Tom sat there stunned at the story.

"I-I, I'm sorry," Tom said, and Azreal glanced at him. "I wasn't in my right mind when I went there that night," He said, and Azreal nodded.

"I know; that's why I brought you here," he said, and Tom looked at him curiously. "I want you to keep him with you. His inheritance is on July 31st, and he will need your help before, during, and after. On his birthday, I want you to give him this," Azreal said, pulling a ring out of his pocket.

"It is his heir ring, if he wears it he should not be affected by spells, hexes, and potions, and he shall remember me again, everything will be as it was," Azreal said at Tom's questioning look and the man nodded.

"Good," Azreal said, standing. A red bottom-front shirt appeared on him, and Tom had to say he was a bit disappointed. When it did, he said, "I'll be checking in," before Tom's vision went black. 


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Word count: 786

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 6 am

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